russo-japanese war badge

  1. Red Cross Russia Conquest Commemorative Pendant/日露戦争征露記念日本赤十字社章ペンダント
  2. Port Arthur Capturing Commemorative Badge/旅順占領記念章

    1st type 1st variation (loop fastening). 旅順占領記念 - Lushun /Port Arthur/ Capturing Commemorative Original paper wrapper. 旅順占領記念章 - Port Arthur Capturing Commemorative Badge 天賞堂謹製 - Made by Tenshodo
  3. Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs from Miyagawa Medal Department

    Interesting advertising from 1905. 宮川塲徽章部 - Miyagawa Medal Department 戦争記念在品雛形 - War Commemorative In-Stock Items
  4. Russia Conquest Commemorative Watch Fob/征露記念章

    征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia Commemorative Detail.
  5. 1904 Attacking Russia Commemorative Watch Fob with Observation Balloon/明治三十七年征露記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Size 27.4 mm. Weight 8.8 g. Reverse 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia Commemorative 明治三十七年 - 1904
  6. 1904 Attacking Russia Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七年征露記念章

    Obverse 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquering] Russia Commemorative 明治三十七年 - 37th year of the Meiji era = 1904
  7. Russo-Japanese War Victory Commemorative Watch Fobs with marks "Star and crescent" and "N in rhombus"/明治丗七年戰捷記念章

    Two designs of such watch fobs are known today. 1st design. See also Obverse 戰捷記念 - Victory Commemorative 明治丗七年 - 1904
  8. 8th Infantry Regiment 1st Company Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badge/歩兵第八聯隊第一中隊日露戦役従軍記念章

    Obverse 日露役歴戦土 - Russo-Japanese War Veteran reverse 日露戦役従軍記念 - Russo-Japanese War Commemorative 歩兵第八聯隊第一中隊 - 8th Infantry Regiment 1st Company Original case.
  9. 30th Anniversary of the Tsushima Battle Commemorative Badge from Dalian City Hall/日露海戦歴戦記念昭和十年大連市役所海軍記念日章

    Obverse 日露海戦 - Russo-Japanese Naval Battle (i.e. Tsushima Battle) 歴戦記念 - Long Military Service reverse 昭和十年 - 1935 第三十回 - 30th 海軍記念日 - Navy Day (In the Empire of Japan, Navy Anniversary Day/海軍記念日 - Kaigun Kinen'bi was celebrated on May 27 from 1906 until 1945. It was established in...