Gold, enamel.
Size 48 x 43 mm.
Allegedly this order once belonged to the descendants of the Étienne Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre Macdonald, 1st duc de Tarente was a Marshal of the Empire.
Workshop history
3rd class order.
Silver, enamel.
Size 65.5 mm.
Suspension and badge marked with an Austrian silver hallmark from 1867+ time period "Diana head with a number 2 and letter A"...
austrian-made persian order of the lion and sun
order made by vincenz mayer’s söhne wien
order of the lion and sun
order of the lion and sun vincenz mayer’s söhne
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
sonnen- und löwenorden firma vincenz mayer’s söhne
vincenz mayer’s söhne wien
орден льва и солнца
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
russian made order of lion and sun
орден льва и солнца русского производства
орден льва и солнца русской работы
2nd class order of the sun moon class
iranian awardsanddecorations
l'ordre du soleil
moon class persian order of the sun
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order
persian order of the sun
Most of the "Kretly-made" orders of the Lion and Sun were made and supplied to Kretly by Lamaitre workshop
5th class order.
Silver, enamel.
Size 63 х 49 mm.
Specimen from the collection of Hermitage, St...
breast star made by kretly paris
imperial order of the lion and the sun
order made by kretly paris
order of the lion and sun 1st class made by kretly
order of the lion and sun 2nd class made by kretly
order of the lion and sun 3rd class made by kretly
order of the lion and sun 4th class made by kretly
order of the lion and sun 5th class made by kretly
ordre du lion et du soleil fabrication kretly
perse ordre du lion et du soleil
perse ordre du lion et du soleil plaque
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of the lion and sun
نشان سلطنتی شیر و خورشید
"Diamond" 2nd class breast star from 1899-1908 time period.
Silver, gold, strass stones, enamel.
Size 78 mm.
Marked with St. Petersburg assay office round silver control mark "female head in a kokoshnik to the right, dot under the chin" and maker's mark "ДО/DO" for Dmitry Osipov workshop...
order of lion and sun made by osipov workshop
order of lion and sun made by russian workshop
order of lion and sun marked do
order of lion and sun marked до
orders of lion and sun made by dmitri osipov
orders of lion and sun made dmitri osipov workshop
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
sonnen- und löwen-orden
именное клеймо до
орден льва и солнца
орден льва и солнца клеймо до
орден льва и солнца мастерской дмитрия осипова
персидский орден льва и солнца
Fokin Petr Aleksandrovich /Фокин Петр Александрович/ was a hereditary honorary citizen, merchant of the 2nd guild, “master of military officer items.” Since 1875 - supplier to the Court of His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, and since 1881 - supplier to the Court of His...
order made by workshop of petr fokin
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order marked пф
persian order of lion and sun
russian workshop of petr fokin
russian-made order of lion and sun
именное клеймо пф
магазин и фабрика офицерских вещей п.а.фокина.
мастерская п.а.фокина
орден льва и солнца мастерской петра фокина
орден льва и солнца с клеймом пф
орден мастерской петра фокина
M. J. Goudsmit firm was founded in 1830 and later became an official medal supplier of the Dutch Royal Court and the Dutch Chancellery of Orders.
3rd class badge.
Silver, enamel.
Size 60 mm.
m.j. goudsmit la haye
order made by m.j. goudsmit la haye
order of the lion and sun
order of the lion and sun made by m.j. goudsmit
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
early order of the lion and sun
emperor napoleon iii of france
emperor napoleon iii of france awards
order of the lion and sun of emperor napoleon iii
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
Very early specimen made in gold and encrusted with precious stones.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 85.5 x 55 mm.
Almost identical badge that belong to Marshal Pierre François Joseph Bosquet
early medallion-shaped order of the lion and sun
early order of the lion and sun
order of the lion and sun
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order
persian order of lion and sun
See also index thread devoted to Talleyrand awards
Silver, gold, enamel.
Size 90 x 55 mm.
Collection of Château de Valençay.
1st class order of the lion and sun
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord awards
charles maurice de talleyrand-périgord orders
early order of the lion and sun
order of the lion and sun
ordre du soleil et du lion
ordre du soleil et du lion de perse
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of the lion and sun
نشان سلطنتی شیر و خورشید
Superb set that was awarded in 1828 by the Shah of Persia to Sir John Kinneir Macdonald in recognition of his service in arranging the indemnity and peace treaty between Persia and Russia that year.
Gold, translucent and opaque enamels.
Badge size 80 x 90 mm.
Collar size 356 x 254 mm.
Made by...
collar of the order of the lion and sun
court jeweler and enameller muhammad ja'far
early order of the lion and sun
john kinneir macdonald awards
order of the lion and sun
order of the lion and sun awarded in 1828
order of the lion and sun collar
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
نشان سلطنتی شیر و خورشید
2nd class order of the lion and sun
early order of the lion and sun
major general sir james edward alexander
order of the lion and sun awarded in 1826
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
награды джеймса эдварда александера
орден льва и солнца
персидский орден льва и солнца
نشان سلطنتی شیر و خورشید
Very early set with badge of the order still in medallion form.
Silver, gilt enamel.
Size 84 x 55 mm.
Weight 76 g.
Breast star.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 77 mm.
Weight 70 g.
early order of the lion and sun
marshal joseph bosquet awards
marshal pierre françois joseph bosquet
medallion of the order of the lion and sun
order of charles iii grand cross
order of lion and sun
order of lion and sun awarded marshal bosquet
order of lion and sun breast star
order of saint george of the reunion
order of saints maurice and lazarus
order of the lion and sun
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of the lion and sun
Rare German reseller of a Dutch-made orders of the Lion and Sun. What's unclear at this point, though, is whether Zimmermann workshop manufactured any Persian orders by itself.
1st variation of iconography.
3rd class order.
Silver, enamel.
c.f. zimmermann pforzheim
german-made order of the lion and sun
order made by c.f. zimmermann pforzheim
order of lion and sun
order of lion and sun made by zimmermann pforzheim
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
persian order of lion and sun zimmermann
Workshop history
1st class breast star.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 90 mm.
French silver hallmark "boar's head", maker's plaque "Fayolle-Pouteau".
european-made order of the lion and sun
foyelle pouteau palais – royal
order of the lion and sun
order of the lion and sun made by foyolle-pouteau
order of the lion and sun made by pouteau
order of the lion and sun made by pouteau paris
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order
persian order of the lion and the sun
1st class full set.
Silver, enamel.
Sash badge size 72 mm.
Breast star size 88 mm.
Classical iconography of Saniolmamalek-made orders.
Original case.
Saniolmamalek, Téhéran.
iranian awardsanddecorations
lion and sun order
medal made by saniolmamalek téhéran
order of the lion and sun made by saniolmamalek
orders made by saniolmamalek téhéran
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order of lion and sun
saniolmamalek teheran
In 1866, Francois-Victor Boullanger began selling orders from his newly opened shop in Paris. While he referred to himself as the "fabricant d'ordres francais et etrangers" they made very few orders. Instead, they sold the insignia of Lemaitre. In 1899, the enterprise continued under the name...
boullanger paris
french-made persian order
order made by boullanger paris
order of the lion and sun made by boulanger
order of the lion and sun made by boullanger
ordre du lion et du soleil
persianawardsanddecorationspersian order
persian order made by boullanger paris
persian order of lion and sun
sonnen- und löwenorden
نشان سلطنتی شیر و خورشید
Diamond-cut Russian-made breast star in silver has a well-painted medallion with a very unhappy lion.
Silver, gold, colored strass-stones, enamel.
Size 84 mm.
order of the lion and sun
order of the lion and sun breast star
persianawardsanddecorationspersian medal
persian order
persian order of the sun
russian-made order of lion and sun
russian-made persian order
звезда ордена льва и солнца
персидский орден льва и солнца