order of philip the magnanimous
order of philip the magnanimous breast star
order of philip the magnanimous of bismarckottovonbismarckottovonbismarck awards
ottovonbismarck awards and decorations
verdienstorden philipps des großmütigen
Index thread https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...led-with-diamonds-of-otto-von-bismarck.25629/
Cross was awarded to Otto von Bismarck on March 9, 1871.
Gold, enamel.
Collection of Otto-von-Bismarck-Foundation /Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung/, Friedrichsruh.
grand cross of the ludwig order of bismarck
großherzoglich hessischer ludwigsorden
großkreuz großherzoglich hessischer ludwigsorden
großkreuz ludwigsorden bismarck
ludwig order of ottovonbismarckottovonbismarckottovonbismarck awards
ottovonbismarck awards and decorations
Index thread https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...led-with-diamonds-of-otto-von-bismarck.25629/
Otto von Bismarck was awarded with cross of honour of the Johanniter Order /Kreuz der Ehrenritter/ on June 24, 1858.
Gold, enamel.
Collection of Otto-von-Bismarck-Foundation...
cross of honour of the johanniter order
johanniter orden kreuz der ehrenritter bismarck
johanniter order of ottovonbismarck
johanniterorden kreuz der ehrenritter
johanniterorden ottovonbismarckottovonbismarckottovonbismarck awards
ottovonbismarck awards and decorations
Index thread https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-andrew-the-first-called-with-diamonds-of-otto-von-bismarck.25629/
Supreme Order of the Most Holy Annunciation was awarded to Otto von Bismarck on January 13, 1867.
Gold, silver, enamel.
Collection of Otto-von-Bismarck-Foundation...
ordine supremo della santissima annunziata
ottovonbismarckottovonbismarck awards
ottovonbismarck awards and decorations
supreme order of the most holy annunciation
Index thread https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...monds-of-otto-von-bismarck.25629/#post-365380
Grand Cross of the Royal Guelphic Order was awarded to Otto von Bismarck in 1857.
Grand cross.
Gold, enamel.
Collection of Otto-von-Bismarck-Foundation /Otto-von-Bismarck-Stiftung/, Friedrichsruh...
grand cross of the royal guelphic order
königlicher guelphen-orden
ottovonbismarckottovonbismarck awards
ottovonbismarck awards and decorations
ottovonbismarck königlicher guelphen-orden
royal guelphic order
royal guelphic order of ottovonbismarck
Index thread https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-andrew-the-first-called-with-diamonds-of-otto-von-bismarck.25629/#post-365380
On April 25, 1865, Emperor Napoleon III awarded Grand Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honor to the Prussian Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck on the...
bismarck grand cross of the legion of honour order
bismarck ordre national de la légion d'honneur
grand cross of the legion of honour order
großkreuz des ordens der ehrenlegion
ordre national de la légion d'honneur
ottovonbismarckottovonbismarck awards
ottovonbismarck awards and decorations
Johann Wilhelm Keibel /WK/ set that was awarded to Bismarck in 1859.
In 1972 orders were stolen from the museum.
See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-alexander-nevsky-of-otto-von-bismarck.25628 and...
mark wk
ottovonbismarckottovonbismarck awards
ottovonbismarck awards and decorations
ottovonbismarck order of white eagle
ottovonbismarck russian order
russian imperial awards
russian imperial order
russian imperial order of white eagle
russian order of white eagle
клеймо wk
мастерская иоганна-вильгельма кейбеля
награды императорской россии
награды отто фон бисмарка
орден белого орла wk
орден белого орла бисмарка
ордена императорской россии
русские ордена отто фон бисмарка
русский орден отто фон бисмарка
imperial russian orders with diamonds
ottovonbismarckottovonbismarck awards
ottovonbismarck awards and decorations
ottovonbismarck russian order
ottovonbismarck st.andrew order
russian imperial awards
russian imperial order
russian order of st.andrew
st.andrew order
награды императорской россии
награды отто фон бисмарка
орден андрея первозванного бисмарка
орден андрея первозванного с бриллиантами
ордена императорской россии
русские ордена отто фон бисмарка