About Halley workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.28433/
Diamond-cut breast star that was privately commissioned by Colonel Baron Jacques Albert Verly, commanding officer of the Cent-Gardes.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 81 x 73 mm.
Weight 12.45 g...
halley octave lasne paris
military order of christ madebyhalley
ordem militar de cristo
ordem militar de cristo halleyordermadebyhalley octave lasne parisordermadebyhalleyparisorder of the knights of our lord jesus christ
royal military order of our lord jesus christ
Short history of the firm https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...-halley-octave-lasne-paris.25726/#post-355533
Orders of Saint Anna breast stars made by Halley https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-anna-breast-stars-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.27396/
1st class cross in gilded...
french-made imperial russian orderordermadebyhalley octave lasne parisordermadebyhalleyparisorder of saint anna 1st class
order of saint anna cross madebyhalleyparis
russian ordermadebyhalleyparis
награды императорской россии
орден святой анны 1-й степени
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ордена императорской россии
2nd class diamond-cut breast star with workshop plaque from 1855-1867 time period https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-stanislaus-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.25726/#post-355533
Silver, gold, enamel.
Size 88 mm.
Weight 72.5 g.
prussian ordermadebyhalleyparis
prussian red eagle order 2nd class breast star
prussian red eagle order breast star halley
prussian red eagle ordermadebyhalleyparis
roter adlerorden
roter adlerorden halleyparis
roter adlerorden ritter ii klasse stern
roter adlerorden stern halleyparis
Short history of the firm https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.28433/
Orders of Saint Anna crosses made by Halley https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-anna-crosses-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.27902/
1st variation.
Diamond-cut star of the...
imperial russian order of saint anna halleyparis
imperial russian order of saint anne halleyparisordermadebyhalleyparisorder of saint anna madebyhalley
russian ordermadebyhalleyparis
звезда орден святой анны halleyparis
звезда ордена святой анны алмазной огранки
награды императорской россии
орден святой анны производства halleyparis
орден святой анны французской мастерской
ордена императорской россии
русский императорский орден фирмы halley
Workshop plaque from pre-1854 time period.
Workshop plaque from 1855-1867 time period.
Workshop plaque from 1867-1871 time period.
Workshop plaque from 1871-1890s time period.
In 1844, Louis George Halley took over Pierre-Felix’s jewellery firm in Paris, which was originally founded in...
imperial russian order of saint anne halleyparis
medal madebyhalleyparis
medal madeby octave lasne parisordermadebyhalley octave lasne parisordermadebyhalleyparisordermadeby octave lasne parisorder of glory madebyhalleyparisorder of isabella the catholic madebyhalleyorder of nishan-iftikar breast star madebyhalley
Crosses of St. Stanislaus order made by Halley https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-stanislaus-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.25726/
Breast star that allegedly was privately commissioned by Conde di Salasco.
Silver, gold, enamel.
Size 73.5 mm.
145 Galerie de Valois Palais...
french-madeorders of st. stanislaus
ordermadebyhalleyparisorder of st. stanislaus breast star madebyhalleyorder of st. stanislaus madebyhalleyorders of st. stanislaus madebyhalley
звезда ордена святого станислава halley
награды императорской россии
орден святого станислава
орден святого станислава французского производства
ордена императорской россии
русские ордена иностранного производства