manufacturers of japanese badges

  1. History, labels and marks of Samurai Shokai Trading Co./サムライ商會

    Founded in 1894 by Japanese businessman Yozo Nomura (1870 - 1965), Samurai Shokai was one of the most famous luxury shops in Japan during the early 20th century. After abandoning his university studies and traveling to America and Europe, Yozo Namura moved back to Yokohama, near Tokyo where he...
  2. Badges of Chugai Medal Co., Ltd., Tokyo/中外微章株式会社

    Founded in September 1932 this workshop is still active today Early workshop label from 1930s. Reverse reads 支那事変記念 - China Incident Сommemorative Case.
  3. Badges, labels and marks of Mori Yoko workshop/森洋行

    森洋行 - Mori Yoko was one of the main manchurian manufacturers of badges and medals. It had two main branches. One in 奉天 - Mukden and the other in 大連 - Dalian. Standard workshop advertisement insert. Mori Yoko building in the 1930s. In 2015.
  4. Badges of Sanbon Company, Tokyo/サンボン商會

    Two newspaper advertisements of this workshop from 1921. サンボン商會 - Sambon company Similar advertisement from June 1921.
  5. History, Labels и Marks of Hattori Watch Shop, Tokyo/服部時計店

    The company was founded in 1881 when Hattori Kintaro opened a watch and jewelry store called Hattori Tokeiten/服部時計店 in Tokyo's Ginza district. 11 years later, in 1892, he began to produce a watch called Seikosha (精工舎 / Seikōsha), which can be translated as "the house of exclusive craftsmanship"...
  6. Badges in the Advertising Postcards of Nichibei Kishō Shōkai

    Very interesting and useful advertising postcard from Nichibei Kishō Shōkai 日米ニュース No. 120 - Nichibei News No. 120 At the bottom the company provides information on...
  7. Marks and Labels of Manufacturers of Japanese Medals, Badges and Watch Fobs

    Tenshodo workshop, Tokyo
  8. Badges, Marks and History of Ikoma Workshop/生駒時計店

    Marks. Labels. Insert. The history of this Osaka workshop begins in 1870 when Gonshichi Ikoma/権七生駒/ opened his workshop specializing in watches and jewelry. Original building. Even original sign has survived to this day. Between two pretty well fed we observe...
  9. Badges, labels and marks of Sanuki Medals Works/サヌキ商會

    Two labels of this Tokyo workshop is known. 1st variant. 2nd variant.