manchukuo medal

  1. 1935 Emperor of Manchuria Visit to Japan Commemorative Table Medallions/東京市満州国皇帝陛下奉迎記念

    Approximate size 100 mm. Weight 570 g. 満州國皇帝陛下奉迎記念 - His Majesty the Emperor of Manchuria Welcoming Commemorative 昭和十年 四月六日〜十五日 - April 6th to 15th, 1935 東京市 - Tokyo City Original case. 記念 - Commemorative 東京市 - Tokyo City
  2. 14th Mixed Districts of Fengtian and Rehe Provinces Maintenance of Public Order Committee Medal/混成十四地区奉天熱河省治安維持会章

    In the center of obverse 鼓腹撃壌 - [people] sing the praises [enjoy the blessings] of peace at the bottom 混成十四地区奉天熱河省治安維持會 - Mixed 14th Districts of Mukden [and] Rehe Province Maintenance of Public Order Committee [Council] Case.
  3. Exemplary Farmer Award Medal from Manchukuo Minister of Agriculture/滿洲帝國全國篤農家表彰興農部大臣賞章

    Obverse 篤農 - Exemplary Farmer reverse 滿洲帝國 - Empire of Manchuria 康德七年 - 1940 興農部大臣賞 - Minister of Agriculture Award 全國篤農家表彰 - National Exemplary Farmer Commendation
  4. Manchukuo Ministry of Finance Salt Monopoly Bureau Medal/大同二年一月 満州国財政部塩務署 絹私隊章

    Obverse 大同二年一月 - January 1933 reverse 満州國財政部塩務署 - Manchukuo Ministry of Finance Salt Monopoly Bureau 絹私隊 - Silk Department
  5. South Manchuria Railway Bureau Japan-Manchukuo Tsudurikata Envoy Medal/満鐵鐵道總局日満綴方使節章

    Obverse Emblems of japanese newspapapers Osaka Mainichi Shimbun and Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun near the suspension ring. In the center emblem of South Manchuria Railway. reverse 日満綴方使節 - Japan-Manchukuo Tsudurikata Envoy [ 綴方 /つづりかた/ tsudurikata - (way of) literary composition...
  6. Emperor of Manchuria Fushimi Police Station Guarding Commemorative Medal/満州国皇帝陛下伏見警察暑御警衛記念章

    Diameter 55 mm. Thickness 5 mm. Weight 92 g. Reverse 昭和十年四月- April 1935 満州國皇帝陛下 - His Majesty the Emperor of Manchuria 御警衛記念 - Imperial Guard Commemorative 伏見警察暑 - Fushimi Police Station Original case. 記念 - Commemorative 伏見警察暑 - Fushimi Police Station Medal was made by 天野金盛堂...
  7. Gift Medal of Manchukuo Red Cross Society/満州国赤十字社贈章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse close-up. Original case. Inscription inside 贈 - Gift 満州國赤十字社 - Manchukuo Red Cross Society
  8. 1935 Emperor of Manchuria Visit Kyobashi Ward Commemorative Medal/區京橋満州國皇帝陛下御來訪紀念章

    Obverse 奉迎 - Welcome reverse 満州國皇帝陛下御來訪紀念 - His Majesty the Emperor of Manchuria Visit Commemorative 區京橋 - Kyobashi Ward ニ五九五 -1935 Ribbon.
  9. Emperor of Manchuria Welcoming Commemorative Table Medal/满洲国皇帝陛下奉迎紀念章

    Size 75 mm. Weight 190 g. Obverse 昭和十年四月六日〜十五日 - April 6th to April 15th, 1935 reverse 満州國皇帝陛下奉迎紀念 - His Majesty the Emperor of Manchuria Welcoming Commemorative Marked 造幣局製 - Made by the Mint
  10. Manchukuo International Student Association Building Competition Commemorative Medal/満洲國留日學生會館落成記念章

    Diameter 61 mm. Thickness 5 mm. Weight 130 g. Reverse 満洲国留日字生会館落成記念 - Manchukuo International Student Association Building Competition /lit. Manchukuo Students Studing in Japan Association/ Association was established in June 1936. Official aim and purpose of the organization was promoting...
  11. Unofficial Manchukuo Foundation Merit Medal/非公式 建国大典記念章

    Obverse 建國 - Founding of the Country/Founding of a Nation reverse 大滿洲國 - Great Manchukuo 建國功勞章 - Founding of the Country Merit Medal 大同元年三月 - March 1932 Original case. 建國功勞章 - Founding of the Country Merit Medal 大滿洲國 - Great Manchukuo
  12. Joint Japan-Manchukuo Air Defense Badges

    1st design pattern. 1st variation. Obverse 防空 - Air Defense
  13. Manchukuo Ministry of Transportation National Highway Construction Commemorative Medal/滿洲國交通部國道建設記念章

    Approximate size 35 mm Weight 17,6 g. Obverse 記念 - Commemorative 國道建設 - National Highway Construction reverse 滿州國 - Manchukuo 交通部 - Ministry of Transport/Department of Transportation
  14. Installation of a Deity in a New Dairen Shrine Commemorative Medal/大連神社正遷座記念章

    Table commemorative medal from 1933. Size 54.4 mm. Thickness 6 mm. Weight 128.8 g. Obverse 正遷座記念 - Installation of a Deity in a New Shrine Commemorative 正遷座 = 正遷座祭 = 遷宮/Sengū - construction of a new shrine and transfer of the enshrined object from the old to the new (occurring at a...
  15. Unofficial Manchukuo Foundation Commemorative Medals/非公式滿洲國建国大典記念章

    1st type. Gilded metal. 34 mm. Obverse 建国記念 - Founding of the Country Commemorative 大同元年三月 - March 1932
  16. Manchukuo National Foundation Day Badges/建国節参加賞章

    Obverse 建国 - Founding of a Nation reverse 建国節参加賞 - National Foundation Day Participation Award 康徳六年三月一日 - 1st day, 3rd Month, 6th year of Kangde era = March 1, 1939
  17. Official Chart of Great Manchukuo Empire Medals and Badges

    Photo of the chart courtesy of the owner. Great Manchukuo Empire, Chart of Medals and Badges Dai-Manshu Teikoku, Kunsho oyobi Kishou-zu 大滿洲帝國動章及徽章圖 On the lower left corner Printed on Kang Teh 11 [1944], November 20 Published on Kang Teh 11 [1944], November 30 Medals & Awards Bureau...