japanese imperial army badge

  1. Imperial Military Reservist Association Higashiyodogawa Ward Branch Exemplary Member Award Badge/帝國在鄉軍人會東淀川區聨合分會模範會員章

    Reverse 模範念彰 - Exemplary [Member] Commemorative Award 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 東淀川區聨合分會 - Higashiyodogawa Ward (one of 24 wards of Osaka) Branch of Association Marked 純 for 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 模範會員章 - Exemplary Member of Association Badge Badge...
  2. Long Term Service Badge/長期奉公章

    Interesting badge. Probably Navy-related. Reverse 長期 - Long Term 奉公 - Service
  3. Army Pilot Badges manufactured by Handaya Watch Shop/半田屋時計店製 陸軍飛行機操縦徽章

    Original case. 下士官用操縦徽章 - Non-commissioned Officer's Pilot Badge On the back side of the case label of Handaya Watch Shop /半田屋時計店/ in Tokorozawa https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-watch-fobs-manufactured-by-handaya-watch-shop.26054/
  4. Tokorozawa Army Aviation School Watch Fob/所澤陸軍飛行李校章

    Reverse 所澤陸軍飛行李校 - Tokorozawa Army Aviation School Original case. Watch fob was made by Handaya Watch Shop /半田屋時計店/ in Tokorozawa https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-watch-fobs-manufactured-by-handaya-watch-shop.26054/
  5. Watch Fobs in the form of Japanese Pilot Badge

    Anonymous specimen from personal collection. Comparative size.
  6. 16th Division Sidecar Motorcycle Unit Member's Badge/義勇第十六師團側車隊員章

    Reverse 義勇 - Courage and Loyalty 第十六師團 - 16th Division 側車隊員章 - Sidecar [of motorcycle] Unit Member badge
  7. Army Shooting Badges and Watch Fobs

  8. Army Award Badge for Yatsubo Village /八ツ保村陸軍表彰章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation/Award reverse engraved with 賞 - Award 八ツ保村 - Yatsubo Village
  9. Five Virtues of a Soldier Military Service Commemorative Watch Fob/在營記念章

    Obverse 在營記念 - Service [lit. in barracks] Commemorative reverse Five virtues of a soldier. https://asiamedals.info/threads/50th-anniversary-plaque-and-watch-fob-of-the-imperial-rescript-to-to-soldiers-and-sailors-medaru.24486/
  10. Shibuya District Tsubaki Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Merit Badge/澁谷區仟々椿分會勞功章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 勞功章 - Merit Badge 澁谷區仟々椿分會 - Shibuya District (Tokyo) Tsubaki Branch of Association
  11. Kojimachi Kenpeitai Shinbokukai Watch Fob/麹町憲兵分隊 麹町(九段)憲兵親睦会章

    Post-war watch fob. Obverse Five virtues of a soldier. Loyalty. The soldier should consider loyalty his essential duty. "Remember that the protection of the state and the maintenance of its power depend upon the strength of its arms. ... Bear in mind that duty is weightier than a mountain...
  12. 1935 Army Special Large Maneuvers Miyazaki Prefecture Imperial Visit Security Guard Commemorative Badge/昭和十年宮崎縣陸軍特別大演習並地方行幸衞警備記念章

    Badge with identical design and inscriptions but issued by Kagoshima Prefecture https://asiamedals.info/threads/1935-army-special-large-maneuvers-kagoshima-prefecture-imperial-visit-security-guard-commemorative-badge.25932/ Obverse Police and Firefighting emblems reverse 昭和十年 - 1935...
  13. 1930 Army Special Large Maneuvers Fukuyama Prefecture Imperial Guard Commemorative Watch Fob/帝國在鄉軍人會福山支部陸軍特別大演習御警衛記念章

    Obverse 陸軍特別大演習御警衛記念 - Army Special Large Maneuvers Imperial Security Guarding Commemorative reverse 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 福山支部 - Fukuyama Branch 昭和五年十一月十四日 - November 14, 1930
  14. 1931 Army Special Large Maneuvers Kumamoto Prefecture Imperial Guard Commemorative Badge/昭和六年熊本縣陸軍特別大演習御警衛記念章

    Obverse Police emblem + 熊 for 熊本縣 - Kumamoto Prefecture reverse 陸軍特別大演習御警衛記念 - Army Special Large Maneuvers Imperial Security Guarding Commemorative 昭和六年 - 1931 熊本縣 - Kumamoto Prefecture Original case. Badges were manufactured by Naigai workshop /内外徽章製作所/.
  15. 1930 Divisional Maneuvers in Korea Participation Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和五年朝鮮師団演習参加記念章

    Obverse 國威宣揚 - Enhancement of National Prestige/Promote the National Glory reverse 朝鮮 /Chōsen/ - Korea 師團演習参加記念章 - Divisional Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Badge 昭和五年 - 1930
  16. 1921 Army Special Large Maneuvers Kanagawa Prefecture Auxiliary Police Badge/1921年陸軍特別大演習神奈川縣警察補助隊記章

    Obverse 警察補助 - Auxiliary Police /補助 - assistance; support; aid/ + Police emblem reverse 警察補助隊記章 - Auxiliary Police Badge 大正拾年 - 1921 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Special Large Maneuvers 神奈川縣 - Kanagawa Prefecture
  17. 1924 Army Special Large Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Watch Fob/大正十三年陸軍特別大演習記念章

    Reverse 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Special Large Maneuvers 記念 - Commemorative 参加 - Participation [Units] 第一師團 - 1st Division 第九師團 - 9th Division 第十三師團 - 13th Division 第十六師團 - 16th Division 大正十三年 - 1924
  18. 1934 Army Large Special Maneuvers Imperial Visit Guard Commemorative Badge/昭和九年度陸軍特別大演習并地方行幸警衞記念章

    Obverse Police emblem + 行幸記念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative + Firefighting emblem reverse 昭和九年度陸軍特別大演習 - 1934 Army Large Special Maneuvers 並地方行幸警衞記念 - Local [province; prefecture] Imperial Visit Security Guard Commemorative
  19. 1930 Okayama Prefecture Army Large Special Maneuvers Plant Safety Committee Member Badge/昭和五年十ー月陸軍特別大演習工場安全委員徽章

    Obverse Okayama prefecture emblem reverse 昭和五年十ー月 - November 1930 陸軍特別大演習工場安全委員徽章 - Army Large Special Maneuvers Plant Safety Committee Member Badge
  20. 1932 Special Large Maneuvers Atsumi Self-Police Corps Commemorative Badge/昭和七年十ー月渥美自警團特别大演習記念章

    Size 32 x 19 mm. Obverse 特别大演習記念 - Special Large Maneuvers Commemorative reverse 昭和七年十ー月 - November 1932 渥美自警團 - Atsumi Self-Police Corps /Neighborhood Watch/ Marked 純 -pure [silver]