japanese imperial army badge

  1. 1907 Army Special Large Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Watch Fob/1907年特別大演習記念章

    Size 25 mm. Obverse 特別大演習記念章 - Special Large Maneuvers Commemorative Badge reverse 明治四拾年拾一月 - January 1907 参加師團 - Participated Divisions 近衛師團 - Imperial Guard Divisions 第一師團 - 1st Division 第三師團 - 3rd Division 第十五師團 - 15th Division
  2. Army Aviation Maintenance School 24th Class Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/第二十四回機関學生陸軍航空整備學校卒業記念章

    Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 関機 - Engine reverse 陸軍航空整備學校 - Army Aviation Maintenance School 第二十四回機関學生 - 24th Class of Engine [Maintenance] Student 卒業記念 - Graduation Commemorative Engraved 但馬美代人 - Miyo Tajima
  3. Japanese Pilot Badge of Army Flight School 1st Class Graduate Kashide

    Non-commissioned officer's pilot badge in silver. Size 50 x 37 mm. Weight 37 g. Reverse engraved 第一期 - 1st class 樫出 - Kashide Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 下士官操縦徽章 - Non-commissioned Officer's Pilot Badge
  4. 14th Division 1930 Equestrian Tournament Award Watch Fob/昭和五年二月第十四師團馬術大會賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 昭和五年二月 - February 1930 第十四師團 - 14th Division 馬術大會 - Equestrian Tournament/Competition Original case.
  5. Irifune Subjugation Corps Commemorative Watch Fob/入船討伐隊記念章

    Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 入船討伐隊 - Irifune Subjugation/Punitive Corps
  6. Japanese Pilot Badge of Army Flight School 58th Class Graduate Corporal Takemoto

    Field repaired badge. The reverse pin and hood were replaced and resoldered. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse engraved 第五十八期生 - 58th Class 竹本伍長 - Corporal Takemoto
  7. 91st Class of Utsunomiya Army Flight School Pilot Badge/宇都宮陸軍飛行学校第九十一期生陸軍飛行機操縦徽章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/utsunomiya-army-flight-school-graduation-commemorative-watch-fobs.26684/#post-358924 Reverse 宇都宮 - Utsunomiya 陸軍飛行學校 - Army Flight School 第九十一期生 - 91st Class Engraved 伊藤三郎 - Ito Saburo
  8. 82nd Class of Tachiarai Army Flight School Pilot Badges/大刀洗陸軍飛行学第八十二期戰斗班章

    The Tachiarai Army Flight School opened in 1940 and trained many pilots who took part in kamikaze operations in the last year of the war. The Tachiarai Flight School had a branch school in Chiran (Kagoshima Prefecture), where many Army pilots departed to make suicide attacks on the American...
  9. 1936 Army Special Large Maneuvers Reservist Imperial Inspection Participation Commemorative Badge/1936年陸軍特別大演習御親閲参加記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 郷軍 - Reservist reverse 於北海道 - In Hokkaido 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Special Large Maneuvers 御親閲参加記念章 - Imperial Inspection Participation Commemorative Badge 昭和十ー年 - 1936
  10. Japanese Imperial Army Transport Units Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/帝国陸軍輜重兵記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 輜一六 - 16th Transport/Motor Battalion/Regiment reverse 凱旋記念- Triumphant Return Commemorative 昭和十一年七月- July 1936 Original case. 凱旋記念- Triumphant Return Commemorative
  11. 1922 Shikoku Special Large Maneuvers Commemorative Watch Fob/大正十一年十一月四国特別大演習記念章

    Size 25.6 mm. Thickness 2.3 mm. Weight 8.7 g. Reverse 四國特別大演習記念 - Shikoku (smallest of the four main islands of Japan) Special Large Maneuvers Commemorative Badge 大正十一年十一月 - November 1922
  12. Japanese Imperial Army Korea Stationing Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/韓国駐屯記念章

  13. Temporary Dispatch to Korea Commemorative Watch Fob/振武臨時朝鮮派遣記念章

    Watch fob with a same design of obverse https://asiamedals.info/threads/suppression-of-taiwan-barbarians-commemorative-watch-fob.27521/ Obverse 振武 = 神武 /Shinbu/ - "military might" or, in the narrow sense, "sublime martial moral power". The idea of shinbu embraces physical, spiritual and...
  14. Japanese Imperial Army Field Artillery Regiments Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/野戦砲兵記念章

  15. 5th Field Artillery Regiment 1928 Enthronement Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和三年十一月於野砲兵第五連隊御大典記念章

    Reverse 御大典記念 - Enthronement Commemorative 於野砲兵第五連隊 - In 5th Field Artillery Regiment 昭和三年十一月 - November 1928
  16. Sagami Army Arsenal Graduation Commemorative Watch Fobs/相模陸軍造兵廠卒業記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 誠信禮忠武質 - Sincerity and Loyalty reverse 相模陸軍造兵廠 - Sagami Army Arsenal Sagami Army Arsenal or the 6th Arsenal of the Imperial Japanese Army was located in the city of Sagamihara, in Kanagawa Prefecture...
  17. "Pilot" Imperial Military Reservist Association Badges

    Interesting and quite rare badges. Early anonymous badge. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.
  18. Mito Army Flight School Graduation Commemorative Watch Fobs/水戸陸軍飛行学校卒業記念章

    Rare watch fobs with interesting design. Obverse 戦技 - Combat Skills reverse 皇紀二六〇一年 - 1941 水戸陸軍飛行學第六期 - Mito Army Flight School 6th Class 陸軍航空通信學校第一期 - Army Aviation Signal School 1st Class (established in August 1940 as part of the Mito Army Flight School and moved to a new facility...
  19. Type 1938 Japanese Wound Badges

    Type 1938 badge was established in two types on August 3, 1938: Type A /Kōshu - 甲種軍人傷痍記章/ badge for battle wounds and Type B /Otsushu - 乙種軍人傷痍記章/ for non-combat wounds or illness. Wound badges of old types were to be exchanged for the new type 1938. Original line drawings of both types...
  20. 54th Class of Imperial Japanese Army Academy Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/陸軍土官學校第五十四期卒業訣別記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 誠 - Faithfulness reverse 2600 = 1940 陸軍土官學校 - Imperial Japanese Army Academy 第五十四期 - 54th Class [Term] 遠藤部隊 - Endo Unit 掛川隊 - Kakegawa Corps 卒業訣別記念 - Graduation Farewell Commemorative