japanese imperial army badge

  1. Imperial Military Reservist Association Membership Badges with Horizontally Oriented Pins

    Typical membership badges of 1st and 2nd type usually have vertically oriented pins. Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.
  2. Army Commemorative Badge with Rosette

    Precise attribution remains unknown.
  3. Imperial Japan Military Reservist Association Medal/日本帝国在郷軍人会章

    Interesting medal from the early days of the association. Obverse 日本帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Japan Military Reservist Association reverse 軍 - Army
  4. 1920 Osaka Artillery Arsenal Continues Service Badge/大正九年大阪砲兵工廠勤続章

    Size 26 mm. Thickness 3 mm. Weight 9.7 g. Obverse was designed by a famous medal artist I. Sato. Reverse 大正九年 - 1920 勤続章 - Continues Service Badge 大阪砲兵工廠 - Osaka Artillery Arsenal Original case. 勤続章 - Continues Service Badge 大阪砲兵工廠 - Osaka Artillery Arsenal
  5. 1917 Army Large Maneuvers Commemorative Watch Fob/1917年陸軍大演習記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 陸軍大演習記念 - Army Large Maneuvers Commemorative Badge 大正六年上秋 - Early Autumn of 1917 Reverse marked with unreadable mark.
  6. Guards Division Military Service Commemorative Badge/近衛歩兵聯隊章

    Reverse 近衛師團 - Guards Division 在隊記念 - Military Service Commemorative Original case. Case lid 近衛師團 - Guards Division 在隊記念 - Military Service Commemorative 章 - Badge Badges were manufactured by Shirai Medal Works in Tokyo /白井徽章製作所/.
  7. Aomori City Nishi Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Badge/帝国在郷軍人會青森市西分會章

    Obverse 青森市 - Aomori City 西分會 - Nishi Branch of Association
  8. Independent Garrison Unit "2I.s" Watch Fob/独立守備隊"2I.s"章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse "2I.s" probably for 2nd Independent Squad.
  9. Manchuria Independent Garrison Service During the Time of Upheaval Watch Fob/満州大荒構獨立守備隊章

    Watch fobs of similar design but with different inscriptions on reverse https://asiamedals.info/threads/independent-garrison-enlistment-commemorative-watch-fob.24321/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/manchurian-expedition-commemorative-watch-fob.24322/ Specimen from the collection of Raymond...
  10. 1915 Taisho Emperor Enthronement Army Ceremonial Unit Commemorative Watch Fob/大正四年十一月二十八日御大禮軍儀伐隊記念章

    Reverse 御大禮- Emperor Enthronement 軍儀伐隊記念 - Army Ceremonial Unit Commemorative 大正四年十一月二十八日 - November 28, 1915 Original case. 記念 - Commemorative
  11. 1938 Japanese Imperial Army Grand Parade Participation Commemorative Badge/1938年戦捷事変下輝く陸軍始大観兵式参加記念章

    Size 36.8 х 26.6 mm. Thickness 2.64 mm. Reverse 戦捷 - Winning a War 事変下輝く陸軍始大観兵式 - Army Grand Parade Ceremony Shines Amidst the Incident 参加記念章 - Participation Commemorative Badge 昭和十三年一月八日 - January 8, 1938
  12. Imperial Military Reservist Association Sincerity Badge/帝国在郷軍人会至誠章

    Obverse 至誠 - Sincerity
  13. Army War College Graduation Badge in Photos

    Unknown colonel. Close-up.
  14. Army Aviation Badge/陸軍航空章

    Anonymous and unidentified as for today. Unmarked variation. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.
  15. 1935 Korean Army Divisional Special Large Maneuvers Participation Badges/昭和十年度朝鮮軍師團特別大演習参加章

    Obverse 皇軍 - Imperial Army reverse 朝鮮軍師團 - Korean Army Divisional 特別大演習 - Special Large Maneuvers 参加章 - Participation Badge 昭和十年度 - 1935 Stamped and engraved 野砲二五 - 25th Field Artillery [Regiment]
  16. Kasai County Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Award Badge/帝國在郷軍人會加西郡區聨合分會表彰章

    Size 38 x 28 mm. Reverse 表彰 - Award; Commendation 帝國在郷軍人會- Imperial Military Reservist Association 加西郡區聨合分會 - Kasai County Branch of Association Marked 純 for 純銀 - pure silver.
  17. Japanese Tank and Armored Car Driver Soldier's Badges/戰車装甲車操縦兵徽章

    Soldier's Badges of 1st class. Early badge in metal.
  18. Japanese Imperial Army Engineer (Sapper) Units Badges and Watch Fobs/陸軍工兵部隊章

    1st Engineer Battalion watch fobs. Silvered version. Obverse 優秀 - Excellence reverse 工兵第一大隊 - 1st Engineer Battalion Emblem
  19. Army War College Graduation Badge of Lieutenant-General Mamoru Iinuma

    Badge was made by Hattori workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/army-war-college-graduation-badges-made-by-hattori-co-tokyo.23341/
  20. Army War College Graduation Badge of General Yoshikazu Nishi

    See https://asiamedals.info/threads/aide-de-camp-badge-of-general-yoshikazu-nishi.27116/ Pin is an obvious replacement.