japanese badges

  1. Badges of Great Japan Private Hygiene Association/大日本私立衛生會章

    Dainippon Private Hygiene Association was established on February 18, 1883 and held its first general meeting on May 27 of the same year. Main mission - prevention of infectious diseases (such as cholera, tuberculosis, etc). In 1898 it became incorporated association/社団法人. In December 1931...
  2. Badges and watch fobs made by Kato Flags and Medals Mfg. Co., Ltd./加藤旗徽章製作所

    Commemorative watch fob. 大本管 /Daihon'ei/ - Imperial General Headquarters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_General_Headquarters on the other side 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Special Large Maneuvers 記念章 - Commemorative badge 昭和九年拾壹月 - November 1934
  3. Tank Units Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/戦車軍隊章

    Obverse 操縦 - Tank Driver reverse 関東軍 - Kwantung Army 戦車第三大隊 - 3rd Tank Battalion
  4. Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs with Tanks

    General index thread. https://asiamedals.info/threads/china-incident-commemorative-badges-and-watch-fobs.22957/#post-211318
  5. Aerial daredevil Art Smith and his Japanese Badges

    You don't see such personilized awards every day. Presented to Mr. Arthur Smith by Kyoto City May 11th., 1916
  6. Manchurian Incident Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/満州事変記念章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/stationing-in-manchuria-commemorative-badges-and-watch-fobs.26091/#post-356936 Reverse 皇紀二五九二年 - 1932 日支事変凱旋記念 - Japan-China Incident (instead of typical "Manchurian Incident") Triumphal Return Commemorative 歩兵第十五聯隊 - 15th Infantry Regiment...
  7. Badges of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan/自由民主党員徽章

    About the party https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Democratic_Party_(Japan) 自由民主党 - Liberal Democratic Party Original case. 党員徽章 - party member badge 元勲章工場東京徽章株式会社謹製 - Made by Former Tokyo Medal Co., Ltd.
  8. Badges and Medals of All Japan Paratroopers Association/全日本空挺同志会章

    About the association http://cs1airborne.site/ Established in 1961 "... with the aim of strengthening the solidarity and unity of the members and contributing to the enhancement and development of the Airborne Brigade...". Reverse inscription reads 全日本空挺同志会 - All Japan Paratroopers...
  9. Badges made by Senkodo workshop, Osaka/千古堂

    Another workshop from Osaka. Another label. On the label 千古堂, - Senkodo, where 千古 can be translated as eternity; all ages; great antiquity. It's amazing how similar this label to the label of another Osaka workshop...
  10. Badges and medals made by Miyazaki Medal Works/宮崎徽章製作所

    Standard workshop labels.
  11. Badges made by Nakatani Watch Shop, Mukden (Hsinking, Osaka)/中谷時計店

    Three variants of the workshop label are known today. 京新 - Hsinking/Changchun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changchun 中谷時計店 - Nakatani Watch Shop 奉天 - Fengtian/Mukden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shenyang Workshop advertising from 1930s. Mukden branch. Postcard with the very...
  12. Badges, marks and labels of Kinkodo Medals Co./金工堂徽章

    Workshop from Nagoya city. Active since late 20s/early 30s. Classical labels. 1st variant. 2nd variant. Rubber stamps. Catalogue from 1930s. Workshop advertisement from 1930s.
  13. Badges and watch fobs made by Mita Jewelery Store/美田宝飾店

    Workshop label.
  14. Badges, medals and watch fobs made by Yamato Medals/Yamato Kishō Shōkai/ヤマト徽章商會

    Founded in 1922 this workshop is still active today. https://www.yamato-kisho.co.jp/
  15. Badges and watch fobs made by Kōnoike workshop/鴻池美術店

    This Yokohama workshop was founded in 1890 and specialized in silverware. Advertisements circa 1900s.
  16. Badges and watch fobs made by Akiba Medals, Tokyo/アキバ徽章

    One of the oldest tokyo badge manufacturers is still active today http://www.akibakisyo.co.jp/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/1934-navy-emergency-large-maneuvers-participation-commemorative-watch-fob.24862/
  17. Badges of VII World Education Conference W.F.E.A., 1937/第七回世界教育会議参加章

    東京 - Tokyo The name of the delegate is missing.
  18. Badges manufactured by Asahi Medal Works, Tokyo/アサヒ徽章製作所

    Catalogues. Catalogue №1 buckle. Award and commemorative cups.
  19. History, badges and labels of Yamagata Motobei workshop/山縣元兵衛

    Between 1933 and 1940 was a member of Rotary International. Source.
  20. Badges of Chugai Medal Co., Ltd., Tokyo/中外微章株式会社

    Founded in September 1932 this workshop is still active today http://www.chugaikisyo.co.jp/front/bin/cglist.phtml?Category=1026 Early workshop label from 1930s. Reverse reads 支那事変記念 - China Incident Сommemorative Case.