imperial military reservist association badge

  1. Imperial Military Reservist Association Toyoichi Supporter Member's Badge/帝國在郷軍人會豊一後援會々員章

    Size 33 x 23 mm. Obverse 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 豊一後援會々員章 - Toyoichi Supporter Member's Badge
  2. Takahashi Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Jukendo Badge/帝国在郷軍人會高畸支部銃剣道章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Design obviously based on army marksmanship badge. Reverse 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 高畸支部- Takahashi Branch Comparison with the army marksmanship badge.
  3. Imperial Military Reservist Association Marksmanship Badge/帝国在郷軍人会射撃章

    Obviously design was taken from the army marksmanship badge.
  4. Imperial Military Reservist Association Hongo Ward 7th Branch Masago Group Diligence Badge/帝国在郷軍人会本郷區第七分會眞砂班精勤章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 眞砂 - Masago reverse 本郷區第七分會 - Hongo Ward [Tokyo] 7th Branch 眞砂班精勤章 - Masago Group Diligence Badge
  5. Oiwake Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Commendation Badge/帝國在郷軍人會追分分會彰章

    Obverse 彰 - Commendation reverse 追分分會 - Oiwake [was a town located in Yūfutsu (Iburi) District, Iburi Subprefecture, Hokkaido] Branch
  6. Imperial Military Reservist Association Minato Higashi Ward Badge/帝国在郷軍人会湊東区章

    Obverse 湊東 - Minato Higashi [Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture]
  7. 1939 Chiba Prefecture Branch of Military Reservist Association Martial Arts Tournament Watch Fob/昭和十四年度在郷軍人会千葉県支部演武大会記念章

    Reverse 昭和十四年度 - 1939 在郷軍人會 - Military Reservist Association 演武大会會 - Martial Arts Tournament 千葉縣支部 - Chiba Prefecture Branch Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  8. Imperial Military Reservist Association Wakayama Branch Shooting Championship Watch Fob/帝国在郷軍人會和歌山支部優勝章

    Size 30 mm. Reverse 優勝 - Overall Victory, Championship 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 和歌山支部 - Wakayama [City] Branch
  9. Kobe Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Martial Arts Award Badge/帝國在郷軍人會 神戸支部武術賞章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 優勝 - Winner reverse 神戸支部 - Kobe Branch 武術賞 - Martial Arts Award Case. Paper wrapper. According to the paper wrapper badge was made by 安井徽章製作所 - Yasui Medal Works in Tokyo.
  10. "Pilot" Imperial Military Reservist Association Badges

    Interesting and quite rare badges. Early anonymous badge. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.
  11. Imperial Military Reservist Association Ushigome Ward Branch Merit Badge/帝国在郷軍人会牛込区分会功勞章

    Reverse in the center 功勞章 - Merit Badge on either side 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 牛込區分會 - Ushigome Ward (Shinjuku, Tokyo) Branch of Association
  12. Imperial Military Reservist Association Shooting Badges/帝国在郷軍人会射撃勝利章
  13. Imperial Military Reservist Association Kanda Ward Branch Shooting Award Badge/帝国在郷軍人会神田區分会射撃勝利章

    Length 31 mm, width 24 mm. Obverse 射勝 for 射撃 - Shooting 勝利 - Victory 神田區分會 - Kanda Ward Branch reverse engraved 贈 - Gift 昭和十二年三月 - March 1937 長谷川太平君 - Mr. Taihei Hasegawa 純銀 - pure silver
  14. Kanda Ward Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Merit Badge/帝國在郷軍人會神田區分會有功章

    Length 45 mm. Width 35 mm. Obverse 有功章 - Merit Badge 神田區分會 - Kanda Ward (Tokyo) Branch of Association Marked with "NK inside rhombus".
  15. Imperial Military Reservist Association Higashiyodogawa Ward Branch Exemplary Member Award Badge/帝國在鄉軍人會東淀川區聨合分會模範會員章

    Reverse 模範念彰 - Exemplary [Member] Commemorative Award 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 東淀川區聨合分會 - Higashiyodogawa Ward (one of 24 wards of Osaka) Branch of Association Marked 純 for 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 模範會員章 - Exemplary Member of Association Badge Badge...
  16. Hamamatsu City Imperial Military Reservist Association Branch Merit Badge/帝国在郷軍人会濱松市聨合分会功勞章

    Obverse 功勞 - Merit reverse 満州上海事変の功こ依リ- Tribute to the Manchurian and Shanghai Incidents 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 濱松市聨合分會 - Hamamatsu City Union Branch
  17. 11th Division Union Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Martial Arts Tournament Participation Badge/帝国在郷軍人会第十一師管聯合支部武道大会参加章

    Obverse 武揚 - Spreading/Elevate Spirit of a Warrior reverse 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 第十一師管聯合支部武道大會 - 11th Division Union Branch Martial Arts Tournament 参加章 - Participation Badge
  18. Uozumi Village Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Commendation Badge/帝国在郷軍人会魚住村分会表彰章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 魚住材分會 - Minatoya Branch of Association (once located in Akashi District, Hyogo Prefecture it was incorporated into Akashi City in 1951).
  19. Imperial Military Reservist Association Yoichi Town NCO Group Badge/余市町下土團在郷軍人章

    1st variation. Obverse 余市町 - Yoichi Town ( Yoichi-chō is a town located in the Shiribeshi Subprefecture, Hokkaido) 在郷軍人 - Military Reservists 下土團 - NCO group
  20. Masachika Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Award Badge/帝國在鄉軍人會正親分會表彰章

    Reverse 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 正親分會 - Masachika Branch of Association 表彰 - Award