imperial japanese army badge

  1. NCO Diligent Service Badges made by Kobayashi Matashichi workshop

    Lid stamped with 下士勤功章 - NCO Diligent Service Badge Manufacturer ink stamp inside, 東京 - Tokyo 小林又七製 - Made by Kobayashi Matashichi
  2. NCO Diligent Service Badges made by Hikotaro Wada workshop

    1st variation "unmarked". Original case. 下士勤功章 - NCO Diligent Service Badge 大阪市東區上本町一 - 1 Uehonmachi, East District, Osaka City 和田彦太郎 - Hikotarō Wada 納 - Supplied by
  3. 9th Сavalry Regiment Commemorative Watch Fob/明治四十年度初年兵掛騎九之一紀念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 明治四十年度 - 1907 初年兵掛 - First Year Soldier 騎九之一 - 9th Regiment 1st Squadron 紀念 - Commemorative
  4. Army Armor Maintenance School Watch Fob/陸軍機甲整備學校章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 機甲- Armor reverse 陸軍機甲整備學校 - Army Armor Maintenance School 第一次 - 1st Class 牽引車學生 - Tractor Student 2602 - 1942
  5. "Pilot" Imperial Military Reservist Association Badges

    Interesting and quite rare badges. Early anonymous badge. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.
  6. Mito Army Flight School Graduation Commemorative Watch Fobs/水戸陸軍飛行学校卒業記念章

    Rare watch fobs with interesting design. Obverse 戦技 - Combat Skills reverse 皇紀二六〇一年 - 1941 水戸陸軍飛行學第六期 - Mito Army Flight School 6th Class 陸軍航空通信學校第一期 - Army Aviation Signal School 1st Class (established in August 1940 as part of the Mito Army Flight School and moved to a new facility...
  7. 7th Guards Air Regiment (Rentai) Service Commemorative Watch Fob/近衛飛行越第七聯隊在隊記念章

    Badge (converted into a watch fob) in the form of army pilot badge. Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 近衛飛行越第七聯隊 - 7th Guards Air Regiment (Rentai) 在隊記念 - Military Service Commemorative
  8. 1934 Two Side Maneuvers in North Jeolla Province Committee Member Badge/昭和九年全羅北道師団對抗演習委員會章

    Obverse 師団對抗演習委員會章 - Two Side Maneuvers (i.e. one division against the other division) Committee Member Badge reverse 昭和九年 - 1934 全羅北道 - Jeollabuk-do = North Jeolla Province, also known as Jeonbuk, is a province of South Korea. Most likely badge was converted into a belt buckle.
  9. Imperial Military Reservist Association Ushigome Ward Branch Merit Badge/帝国在郷軍人会牛込区分会功勞章

    Reverse in the center 功勞章 - Merit Badge on either side 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 牛込區分會 - Ushigome Ward (Shinjuku, Tokyo) Branch of Association
  10. 54th Class of Imperial Japanese Army Academy Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/陸軍土官學校第五十四期卒業訣別記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 誠 - Faithfulness reverse 2600 = 1940 陸軍土官學校 - Imperial Japanese Army Academy 第五十四期 - 54th Class [Term] 遠藤部隊 - Endo Unit 掛川隊 - Kakegawa Corps 卒業訣別記念 - Graduation Farewell Commemorative
  11. Long Term Service Badge/長期奉公章

    Interesting badge. Probably Navy-related. Reverse 長期 - Long Term 奉公 - Service
  12. 16th Division Sidecar Motorcycle Unit Member's Badge/義勇第十六師團側車隊員章

    Reverse 義勇 - Courage and Loyalty 第十六師團 - 16th Division 側車隊員章 - Sidecar [of motorcycle] Unit Member badge
  13. 31st Infantry Regiment Siberia Expedition Commemorative Watch Fob/大正十一年西比利亜出征歩兵第三十一聯隊記念章

    Reverse 歩兵第三十一聯隊 - 31st Infantry Regiment 記念 - Commemorative 大正十一年西比利亜出征 - 1922 Siberia Expedition Case.
  14. Army Medical School 50th Anniversary Commemorative Watch Fob and Obidome/五十周年記念陸軍軍医学校章

    Size 27 mm. Reverse 五十周年記念 - 50th Anniversary Commemorative 陸軍軍医学校 - Army Medical School 11.11.7. = November 7, 1936 Nicely designed watch fob.
  15. Uozumi Village Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Commendation Badge/帝国在郷軍人会魚住村分会表彰章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 帝國在鄉軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 魚住材分會 - Minatoya Branch of Association (once located in Akashi District, Hyogo Prefecture it was incorporated into Akashi City in 1951).
  16. Supplementary Education Chiba Branch Special Badge/末補教育千葉支部特別徽章

    Size 30 mm. Reverse 特別徽章 - Special Badge 末補教育 - Supplementary Education 千葉支部 - Chiba Branch
  17. 1936 Special Large Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十一年度十月特別大演習参加記念章

    Reverse 昭和十一年度十月 - October 1936 陸軍特別大演習 - Special Large Maneuvers 参加記念 - Participation Commemorative 参加部隊 - Participated Units 第七 - 7th 第八 - 8th 兩師團 - Two Divisions Original case. 陸軍特別大演習 - Special Large Maneuvers 参加記念章 - Participation Commemorative Badge
  18. 1930 Army Large Special Maneuvers Okayama Prefecture Committee Member Badge/昭和五年陸軍特別大演習岡山縣委員徽章

    See also Reverse 昭和五年十ー月 - November 1930 陸軍特別大演習委員徽章 - Army Large Special Maneuvers Affairs Committee Member Badge Original case. 陸軍特別大演習委員徽章 - Army Large Special...
  19. 1932 Army Special Large Maneuvers Participation Commemorative Watch Fobs/昭和七年秋陸軍特別大演習参加記念章

    1st variation of design. Approximate size 20×30 mm. 33rd Infantry Regiment. Obverse 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Special Large Maneuvers In the center of reverse 國輝 - Nation Brilliance /Radiance; Shine/ Above 参加記念章 - Participation Commemorative Below 南軍 - South Army 第四 師團 - 4th Division 第五 師團...
  20. 8th Independent Mixed Brigade Artillery Unit Commemorative Watch Fob/皇紀2603.7春第2986部隊章

    Salty watch fob. Obverse 2986 = 1936 (year of unit establishment) 記念 - Commemorative 春第2986部隊 - Unit Haru No.2986 皇紀2603.7- July 1943