friends of the military association badges

  1. Shibata Regimental District Friends of the Military Association Badge/新発田連隊区軍友会章

    Size 25 mm. Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military reverse 新発田聯隊區 - Shibata Regimental District case 軍友徽章 - Friends of the Military Association Badge 新発田聯隊區 - Shibata Regimental District
  2. Hat Badges of the Friends of the Military Association

  3. Suguro Village Friends of the Military Association Badge/勝呂村軍友會章

    勝呂村 - Suguro Village勝呂村 軍友会 - Friends of the Military Association reverse 明治三十六年四月創立 - Founded in April 1903
  4. Friends of the Military Association Team Leader Badge/軍友会班長章

    Another badge with similar design and from the same manufacturer Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military 班長 - Team Leader
  5. Friends of the Military Association Commendation Badge/軍友会表彰章

    Nice enamelled badge. Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military 表彰 - Commendation Original case. 表彰章 - Commendation Badge Inside stamp of Asahi Murakami workshop
  6. Badges of Friends of the Military Association of Toyonaka City/軍友会豊中市章

    Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military reverse 豊中市 - Toyonaka City
  7. Shimizu Town Regular Member Badge of Friends of the Military Association/清水町軍友会正会員章

    Obverse 清水 - Shimizu,_Shizuoka reverse 正會員 - Regular Member 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association
  8. Diligence Badges of Friends of the Military Association/軍友会精勤章

    Type 1. Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military 精勤 - Diligence; Good Attendance
  9. Chiba Prefecture Friends of the Military Association Membership Badge/千葉県軍友會員之章

    Different badge with the same design Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military reverse 千葉 - Chiba 軍友會員之章 - Friends of the Military Association Membership Badge
  10. Fukuyama City Badge of Friends of the Military Association/福山市軍友会聯合会員章

    Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military reverse 福山市軍友會 - Fukuyama City Friends of the Military Association 聯合會員章 - Union Membership Badge
  11. Oita City Friends of the Military Association Badge/大分市軍友會章

    Reverse 大分市軍友會 - Ōita City Friends of the Military Association
  12. Friends of the Military Association Supporter Badge/軍友会賛助章

    1st vaiation. Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military 賛助 - Support; Patronage reverse 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association 軍友会賛助章 - Friends of the Military Association Supporter Badge
  13. Takada Regimental District Badge of Friends of the Military Association/髙田聯隊区管内軍友会章

    Obverse 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association reverse 髙田 - Takada 聯隊区管内 - Within the Jurisdiction of Regimental District
  14. Kamigyō-ku Ward Commendation Badge of Friends of the Military Association/軍友会上京区表彰章

    Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military 表彰 - Commendation reverse 軍友会上京区 - Kamigyō-ku Ward Friends of the Military Association 聯合会長表彰 - Union/League Chairman's Commendation
  15. Friends of the Military Association Membership Badge/軍友會員之章

    One of the most common badges of association. 1st variation made by Asahi Murakami workshop. Suspension 軍友 - Friends of the Military reverse 軍友會員之章 - Membership Badge of Friends of the Military Association Original case. 軍友會員之章 - Membership Badge of Friends of the Military Association...
  16. Hamada City Regimental District Membership Badge of Friends of the Military Association/浜田市聯隊区管下軍友会員章

    Size 30 mm. Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military reverse 濵田市聯隊区管下 - Hamada City Regimental District 軍友會員章 - Membership Badge of Friends of the Military Association
  17. Koto Village Badge of Friends of the Military Association/甲東村軍友会章

    Reverse 甲東村 - Koto Village 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association
  18. Membership Badge of Friends of the Military Association/大日本帝國 軍友会員章

    See also Reverse 大日本帝國 - Great Japanese Empire 軍友會員章 - Membership Badge of Friends of the Military Association Original case. 軍友會員徽章 - Membership Badge of Friends of the Military Association
  19. Nagahama Town Badge of Friends of the Military Association/長濱市友会章

    Obverse 長濱 - Nagahama Town, Shiga Prefecture,_Shiga 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association
  20. Chiba Prefecture Friends of the Military Association Officer's Badge/千葉軍友会役員之章

    Obverse 軍友 - Friends of the Military 役員 - Officer; Official reverse 千葉軍友會 - Chiba [Prefecture] Friends of the Military Association 役員之章 - Officer's Badge