Friends of the Military Association Commendation Badge/軍友会表彰章

Nice enamelled badge.

Friends of the Military Association Commendation Badge軍友会表彰章.jpg
Friends of the Military Association Commendation Badge 軍友会表彰章.jpg


軍友 - Friends of the Military

表彰 - Commendation

Original case.

表彰章 - Commendation Badge

Friends of the Military Association Commendation Badge-軍友会表彰章.jpg

Inside stamp of Asahi Murakami workshop

Friends of the Military Association Commendation Badge 軍友会表彰章..jpg
Cased badge in mint condition.

Friends of the Military Association  Commendation Badge.jpg
Friends of the  Military Association Commendation Badge.jpg

Friends of the Military  Association  Commendation Badge.jpg
  • Tags
    friends of the military association badges friends of the military commendation badge 軍友会章 軍友会表彰章
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