1st class rising sun order document
1st class rising sun order document issued in 1945
1st class rising sun order document signed showa
emperor showa signature
japanese rising sun order
japanese rising sun order award document
japanese rising sun order document
order of the rising sun
Kojima Yokichi /兒島鏞吉 / was born in Aichi prefecture on September 12, 1899. On November 30, 1901 he graduated from the Military Academy. On March 18, 1901 he was commissioned Army Artillery Second Lieutenant. On June 30, 1906 he was appointed Lieutenant of Army Artillery. On November 15, 1913 he...
3rd class rising sun order award certificate
3rd class rising sun order awarded in 1934
japanese 3rd class rising sun order
japanese rising sun order
japanese rising sun order award document
japanese rising sun order document
order of the rising sun
Interesting early document issued on October 4, 1887 to Ludwig Raschdau /ルードヴヰグ ラシュダウヲ/.
Rising Sun order document No. 977 issued to a foreigner.
Size 46 x 61 cm.
3rd class rising sun order award certificate
3rd class rising sun order document
3rd class rising sun order document issued in 1887
diplomat ludwig raschdau japanese order
imperial german diplomat ludwig raschdau
order of the rising sun
rising sun order
rising sun order document
ルードヴヰグ ラシュダウヲ
Awarded on April 29, 1997 to 赤津敏 - Akatsu Satoshi https://asiamedals.info/threads/blue-ribbon-medal-of-honor-awarded-in-1990.29041/
Rising Sun order document No. 3 366 408.
5th class rising sun order awarded in 1997
5th class rising sun order document
japanese rising sun order award document
japanese rising sun order document
order of the rising sun
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 70 х 45 mm.
Collection of the British Museum, London.
Miniature button rosette.
Special case for a foreigners https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-the-rising-sun-in-cases-for-a-foreigners.23184
4th class rising sun order award certificate
4th class rising sun order awarded in 1909
4th class rising sun order from meiji era
dr. joseph bower siddall japanese award
order of the rising sun
Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.
Early Rising Sun order No. 174 awarded to a foreigner.
Special case for awards issued to a foreigners https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-the-rising-sun-in-cases-for-a-foreigners.23184
Original document that was issued together...
1st class rising sun order
1st class rising sun order awarded in 1880
1st class rising sun order meiji era
count gyula andrássy awards
count gyula andrássy japanese award
count gyula andrássy rising sun order
japanese rising sun order
japanese rising sun order award document
japanese rising sun order document
order of the rising sun
Almost certainly a French-made piece https://asiamedals.info/threads/french-made-orders-of-the-rising-sun.13454/#post-357438
Gilded metal, enamel. Neck ribbon borrowed from the Dannebrog order.
Collection of Swedish Army Museum /Armémuseum/, Stockholm.
Order was donated to the museum...
3rd class rising sun order
colonel onodera makoto
colonel onodera makoto awards
french-made 3rd class rising sun order
order of the rising sun
privately-comissioned rising sun order
Nice and quite early set from circa 1880s. Collection of Swedish Army Museum /Armémuseum/, Stockholm.
Sash badge.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 108 х 76 mm.
Breast star.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 90 mm.
Rare awarding.
4th class Rising Sun order awarded on October 26, 1901 to Army Artillery Major Sakai Goroku /陸軍砲兵少佐從六位勲五等酒井五六/. Rising Sun order document No. 34 000.
In 1904 Sakai Goroku will be also awarded with a French Legion of Honor.
4th class rising sun order award certificate
4th class rising sun order awarded in 1901
4th class rising sun order for boxer rebellion
boxer rebellion award
boxer rebellion suppression award
japanese awards and decorations
order of the rising sun
Full set with a case for foreigners https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-the-rising-sun-in-cases-for-foreigners.23184.
Neck order.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 87 x 55 mm.
Weight 47 g.
Breast star.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 88 mm.
Weight 73 g.
2nd class rising sun order
admiral courrejolles awards and decorations
case for foreigners
order of the rising sun
order of the rising sun from meiji era
vice admiral courrejolles awards
6th class rising sun order awarded in 1969
japanese rising sun award certificate
japanese rising sun order
order of the rising sun
posthumously awarded rising sun order
4th class rising sun order award certificate
4th class rising sun order awarded in 1968
japanese rising sun order
japanese rising sun order award document
order of the rising sun
rising sun order award document
rising sun order posthumously awarded in 1968
7th class rising sun order
7th class rising sun order awarded in 1920
japanese rising sun order
japanese rising sun order award document
order of the rising sun
rising sun order award document
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Sash badge size 85 mm.
Breast star size 88 mm.
Both marked with mark ヒ https://asiamedals.info/threads/mark-hi-on-japanese-orders-and-medals-when-and-who.22787/
Mark ヒ.
Document was issued on November 8, 1918 and hand-sgned by Emperor Taisho.
Rising Sun order No. 5...
1st class order of the rising sun
1st class order of the rising sun awarded in 1918
italian admiral paolo camillo thaon di revel
japanese order of the rising sun
japanese order of the rising sun taisho era
order of the rising sun
order of the rising sun awarded in 1918
paolo camillo thaon marquess of revel awards
4th class rising sun order award certificate
4th class rising sun order awarded in 1999
4th class rising sun order from showa era
japanese order of rising sun
order of the rising sun
One the very last Rising Sun orders that were awarded before the capitulation of Japan.
Rising Sun order No. 330 /note restarted numbering/ awarded on July 25, 1945 to Masao Watanabe /渡辺 正夫/. Hand-signed by the Emperor Hirohito.
Original case.
1st class rising sun order document
lieutenant general masao watanabe
lieutenant general masao watanabe awards
order of the rising sun
order of the rising sun awarded in 1945
rising sun order awarded to masao watanabe
渡辺正夫 旭日章
2nd class rising sun order awarded in 1902
2nd class rising sun order meiji era
general garrett o'moore creagh japanese award
general sir garrett o'moore creagh awards
order of the rising sun
rising sun order awarded in 1902
rising sun order from meiji era
About S mark https://asiamedals.info/threads/mark-s-who-and-when.15314/
Orders of Rising Sun with mark 美 /second mark of Shobido workshop/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-rising-sun-with-mark-made-by-shobido-workshop.15057/
8th class Rising Sun order.
Reverse of the ball marked...
8th class order of rising sun with mark s
japanese marked order
japanese medal marked with s
japanese order made by shobido workshop
japanese order marked with s
order of rising sun made by shobido workshop
order of rising sun with mark s
order of the rising sun
On display at Veste Coburg /also known as the “Franconian Crown”, it was first mentioned in a document in 1056. In 1353 it fell to the House of Wettin and as a building of strategic importance was expanded to create an almost impregnable castle. It still dominates the surrounding countryside and...
1st class rising sun order
1st class rising sun order awarded in 1940
charles edward
charles edward duke of saxe-coburg and gotha
duke of saxe-coburg and gotha japanese order
german officer with a japanese award
japanese rising sun order
order of the rising sun