
  1. Yuunagi Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badge/帝國在郷軍人會タ凪分會日露戦役三十周年記念戰功章

  2. Yuunagi Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badge/帝國在郷軍人會タ凪分會日露戦役三十周年記念戰功章

    Size 27 x 25 mm. Obverse 戰功 -Distinguished/Meritorious Military Service reverse 日露戦役三十周年記念 - 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association タ凪分會 - Yuunagi /Osaka City, Minato Ward/ Branch
  3. Shizuoka Prefecture Denjima Town Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Badge/帝國在郷軍人會静岡傳島町分會事業指導部章

    Obverse 事業指導部 - Business Guidance Department reverse 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 静岡傳島町分會 - Shizuoka [Prefecture] Denjima Town Branch of Association Jūkendō.
  4. Bayonet Competition Organized by Kamigyo Ward Union Branch of Reservist Association Participation Watch Fob/帝國在郷軍人會上京區聯合分會主催 銃剣術競技會参加章

    Size 27 mm. Obverse 上京區聯合分會主催 - Organized by the Kamigyō Ward Union Branch of Association 銃剣術競技會参加 - Bayonet /Jukendo/ Competition Participation 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 明治節御制定 - Meiji Day Establishment /Meiji-setsu was one of the national holidays in the early...
  5. Toyohashi City Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Award Watch Fob/帝國在郷軍人會豊橋支部優勝章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 優勝 - Champion reverse 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 豊橋支部 - Toyohashi [City] Branch [of Association] /Toyohashi City is a city in Aichi Prefecture, Japan/ Original case. Watch...
  6. Kasai County Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Award Badge/帝國在郷軍人會加西郡區聨合分會表彰章

    Size 38 x 28 mm. Reverse 表彰 - Award; Commendation 帝國在郷軍人會- Imperial Military Reservist Association 加西郡區聨合分會 - Kasai County Branch of Association Marked 純 for 純銀 - pure silver.
  7. Imperial Military Reservist Association Commendation Badge/帝國在郷軍人會表彰章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 表彰 - Commendation
  8. Imperial Military Reservist Association Toyoichi Supporter Member's Badge/帝國在郷軍人會豊一後援會々員章

    Size 33 x 23 mm. Obverse 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 豊一後援會々員章 - Toyoichi Supporter Member's Badge
  9. Kobe Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Martial Arts Award Badge/帝國在郷軍人會 神戸支部武術賞章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 優勝 - Winner reverse 神戸支部 - Kobe Branch 武術賞 - Martial Arts Award Case. Paper wrapper. According to the paper wrapper badge was made by 安井徽章製作所 - Yasui Medal Works in Tokyo.
  10. Kanda Ward Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Merit Badge/帝國在郷軍人會神田區分會有功章

    Length 45 mm. Width 35 mm. Obverse 有功章 - Merit Badge 神田區分會 - Kanda Ward (Tokyo) Branch of Association Marked with "NK inside rhombus".
  11. Kanda Ward Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Founding Commemorative Badge/帝國在郷軍人會神田區聨合分會記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 神田區聨合分會 - Kanda Ward Branch of Association 創立 - Founding/Establishment 昭和十年四月十六日 - April 16, 1935
  12. Shinobu Town Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Reservist Training Commemorative Badge/帝國在郷軍人會忍町分會補充兵教育記念章

    Reverse 補充兵教育記念 - Reservist Training Commemorative 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 忍町分會 - Shinobu Town Branch of Association 2596 = 1936
  13. Hoi District Union Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Champion Badge/帝國在郷軍人會寶飯郡聯合分會優章

    Obverse 優 - Champion 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 寶飯郡聯合分會 - Hoi District Union Branch of Association Original case. Badge was made by Kinkodo workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-marks-and-labels-of-kinkodo-medals-co.22613/
  14. Best Swordsmanship Award Badge from Manchurian Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association/満洲連合支部帝國在郷軍人會賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 剣術最優僂勝 - Best Swordsmanship 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 満洲連合支部 - Manchurian Union Branch
  15. Commendation Watch Fob of 7th Squad of Miyakojima Branch of Association/帝國在郷軍人會 都島分會第七班 表彰記念章

    In pure silver. Obverse 表彰 - Commendation Reverse 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 都島分會第七班 - Miyakojima Branch of Association 7th Squad 表彰記念 - Commendation Commemorative 昭和十四年四月三日 - April 3, 1939