
  1. 7th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1939 to Hagiwara Sakae

    Issued on August 4.1939 to Hagiwara Sakae /萩原榮/. Golden Kite order certificate No. 218 657. Detail.
  2. 3rd class Golden Kite order document issued posthumously in 1939 to the Major Ikuta Junzō for the Nomonhan Incident

    About Nomonhan Incident https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-watch-fobs-of-nomonhan-incident-battle-of-khalkhin-gol-nomonhan.18535/ Document issued on August 29, 1939 to Imperial Japanese Army Major Ikuta Junzō /生田準三/. Golden Kite order document No. 229 304. Emperor Hirohito...
  3. 5th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1904 to an Army Infantry Major Chūjirō Umemura for the Siege of Port Arthur

    Document was issued on December 1, 1904 to Major Chūjirō Umemura /梅村忠治郎/. Golden Kite order certificate No. 5799. Size 46.5 × 64 cm. Emperor Meiji signature. Details.
  4. 3rd class Golden Kite order and 3rd class Rising Sun order documents issued in 1906 to Kurosawa Genzaburou for the Russo-Japanese War

    Rare set issued on April 1, 1906 to Genzaburou Kurosawa /黑澤源三郎/.
  5. 5th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1904 to an Army Infantry Lieutenant for the Battle of Liaoyang

    Battle of Liaoyang /Сражение при Ляояне; 遼陽会戦, Ryōyō-kaisen, 25 August – 3 September 1904/. Battle of Liaoyang was a major land battle of the Russo-Japanese War, on the outskirts of the city of Liaoyang in present-day Liaoning Province, China. The city was of great strategic importance as the...
  6. 3rd class Order of Golden Kite posthumously awarded in 1945 to a Navy Captain

    Very high class of award for a Captain. Awarded on April 6, 1945.
  7. 2nd class Golden Kite orders from 1933-1938 time period/1933年〜1938年功二級金鵄勲章

    Between 1933 and 1938 (inclusively) 28 sets of 2nd class Golden Kite order were manufactured by Mint. Exemplary early set. 3rd class neck order. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 59.58 х 55.2 mm. Weight 45.37 g. Breast star. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 92.04 х 91.38 mm. Weight 131 g...
  8. 4th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1906 to an Army Third Class Medical Officer Hideo Ujiie for the Russo-Japanese War

    Interesting document issued on April 1, 1906 to the Army Third Class Medical Officer /陸軍三等軍醫 - equivalent to the rank of Army Major/ Hideo Ujiie /氏家秀雄/. Details. Emperor Meiji signature. Golden Kite order award certificate No. 47 382.
  9. 4th class Golden Kite order posthumously awarded to an Infantry Lieutenant in 1945

    Interesting and rare late war awarding. 4th class Golden Kite order and 6th class Rising Sun order were formally awarded on January 23, 1945 /day of death in a combat/. Both were issued with paper wrappers https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-orders-and-medals-in-paper-wrappings.23074...
  10. 7th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1941 to Yasuo Shimada for the Great East Asia War

    Document was issued on September 29, 1941 to Yasuo Shimada /島田康男/. Almost certainly this is a posthumous awarding. Golden Kite order document No. 311 209.
  11. 5th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1915 to Majima Takamatsu for the Siege of Tsingtao

    Rare document from my personal collection. Document was issued on November 7, 1915 to 眞島孝松 - Majima Takamatsu /he was also awarded with a 5th class Rising Sun order/. Golden Kite order No. 113 405. The siege of Tsingtao /Belagerung von Tsingtau; 青島の戦い/ was the attack on the German port of...
  12. 6th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1901 to an Army Infantry Sergeant Major for the suppression of Boxer Rebellion

    This rare document was issued to an unknown Sergeant Major on October 1, 1901. Golden Kite order No. 2 296.
  13. 7th class Order of Golden Kite posthumously awarded in 1938 to Army Infantry Superior Private Hirota Hisashi

    Full set with lifetime annual payment certificate. Classical Mint-made Golden Kite order. Case with golden kanjis. Original case. Order of Golden Kite document No. 178 338 issued on May 10, 1938 (date of death in a combat) to 陸軍步兵上等兵 - Army Infantry Superior Private 廣田久 - Hirota...
  14. 7th class Golden Kite order awarded in 1906 to Army 1st Class Artilleryman Hashimoto Yoshizō for the Russo-Japanese War

    Not that common variation of 7th class Golden Kite order. Golden Kite order No. 10 112 awarded on April 1, 1906 to 砲兵一等橋本好造 - 1st Class Artilleryman Hashimoto Yoshizō.
  15. 3rd class Order of Golden Kite posthumously awarded in 1945

    The latest (known for today) Golden Kite awarding. Awarded on January 12, 1945. Golden Kite document No. 486 469. Enamel of the badge is in pristine condition. Case has silver kanjis. Ribbon clasp and damaged miniature button rosette.
  16. 3rd Class Golden Kite orders from the Meiji Era/明治時代功三級金鵄勲章

    3rd class orders of this type were awarded between 1895 and the 1910s. Standard geometry of Kite that is typical for all such 3rd class badges. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 56 mm. Original neck ribbon (miniature rosette was added to the set after 1936). Original case.
  17. 7th class Golden Kite order awarded in 1906 to Navy Chief Petty Officer Jinjiro Yoshii for the Russo-Japanese War

    Original case. Awarded on April 1, 1906 to Navy Chief Petty Officer /海軍上等兵曹/ Jinjiro Yoshii /吉井仁次郎/. Golden Kite document No. 48 876.
  18. 2nd Class Golden Kite orders from the Meiji Era/功二級金鵄勲章

    Full well-worn set. Case.
  19. Golden Kite Order Breast Stars from the Showa Era/昭和時代功一級功二級金鵄勲章

    Golden Kite order breast stars from the Meiji era https://asiamedals.info/threads/golden-kite-order-breast-stars-from-the-meiji-era.27634/ Showa era breast stars as part of 1st class sets https://asiamedals.info/threads/1st-class-golden-kite-orders-from-showa-epoch.11842/ Showa era breast stars...
  20. 7th class Golden Kite order marked M posthumously awarded in 1934 to Army Private First Class for the Manchurian Incident

    Classical posthumous award group with early M-marked Japanese Mint-made order of the Golden Kite and order of Auspicious Clouds. Kite No. 121 935 was awarded on October 14, 1932 (date of death in a combat). Order and document were actually issued around in 1934. Case. Miniature...