
  1. Central Livestock Association Merit Badge/中央畜産会功労章

    Size 18 mm. Weight 5.9 g. Reverse 中央畜産會 - Central Livestock Association 功勞章 - Merit Badge Marked "Kise". Original case.
  2. Merit Badge from Ichinomiya City Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association/帝国在郷軍人会一宮市分会功労章

    功勞章 - Merit Badge 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 一宮市分會 - Ichinomiya City Branch of Association
  3. Merit Badge from 3rd Kawagoe City Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association/帝国在郷軍人會川越市第三分會功労章

    Another merit badge with similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/merit-badge-from-kasumi-branch-of-imperial-military-reservist-association.22948/ Obverse 功労 - Merit Reverse 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 川越市第三分會 - 3rd Kawagoe City Branch of Association
  4. Chiba Prefecture Merit Badge/千葉県功労章

    Reverse 昭和五年七月一日- July 1, 1930 千葉県 - Chiba Prefecture Original case. 功勞章 - Merit Badge
  5. Shizuoka Prefecture Firefighting Association Merit Badges/静岡縣消防協會功勞章

    Obverse 功 - Merit reverse 静岡縣 - Shizuoka Prefecture 消防協會 - Firefighting Association
  6. Shimonoseki City Public Welfare Merit Badge/下関市厚生功労章

    1st "early" type. 1st variation. Original case. 下関市厚生功労章 - Shimonoseki City Public Welfare Merit Badge
  7. SANYO Long-service Merit Badges/SANYO勤続功労章

    20 Years of Service Badge. Size 38 × 29 mm. Weight 20.68 g. No. 779 Reverse 功労章 - Merit Badge 勤続20年 - 20 Years of Service Marked "Silver".
  8. Nara Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Merit Badge/帝国在郷軍人會奈良支部功労章

    Merits badges of similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/merit-badges-from-kyoto-branch-of-imperial-military-reservist-association.23038/#post-346294 1st variation "marked pure silver". Marked with a small mark "純銀" pure silver. Size 26 mm. Reverse 奈良支部 - Nara Branch 功勞章 - Merit...
  9. Merit Badge from Kasumi Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association/帝国在郷軍人會霞村分會功労章

    Another merit badge with similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/merit-badge-from-3rd-kawagoe-city-branch-of-imperial-military-reservist-association.24769/ Obverse 功労 - merit Reverse 帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 霞村分會 - Kasumi Branch of Association
  10. Merit Badges from Shiba Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association

    Badge with a similar design made for a different Tokyo ward branch (almost certainly by the same manufacturer) https://asiamedals.info/threads/imperial-military-reservist-association-yotsuya-ward-2nd-branch-founding-commemorative-badge.26417/ 1st class badge. Photos courtesy of the owner...
  11. Badges of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan/自由民主党員徽章

    About the party https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Democratic_Party_(Japan) 自由民主党 - Liberal Democratic Party Original case. 党員徽章 - party member badge 元勲章工場東京徽章株式会社謹製 - Made by Former Tokyo Medal Co., Ltd.
  12. Nagoya City Firefighting Meritorious Service Badges/名古屋市功績章

    Meritorious Service Badge. 1st "early" type. No.50 Obverse 功績章 - Meritorious Service reverse 名古屋市 - Nagoya City + punched number. No.693
  13. Fukagawa City Merit Badge/深川市 功労章

    Reverse 深川市 - Fukagawa City 功労章 - Merit Badge Made in pure silver. Miniature. 功 - Merit Case and ribbon.
  14. Youth Training Merit Badge from Ministry of Education/文部省青年訓練功労章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/1930-ministry-of-education-commendation-pennant.26821/ Two variations of this badge is known. 1st variation (marked 純銀). Photos courtesy of the owner. Height 26.6 mm. Width 18.1 mm. Weight 11.7 g. Obverse 青年訓練 - Youth Training 功労章 - Merit Badge...
  15. Merit Badge of Japan Motor Boat Racing Association/全国モーターボート競走会連合会功労賞章

    Reverse reads 全国モーターボート競走会連合会 - National Federation of Motor Boat Racing Association http://mbkyosokai.jp/ 功労賞 - Merit Award Case. 顕功章 - Merit Badge Made by Tokyo workshop Akiba Medal https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-of-akiba-medal-tokyo-akiba.21820/ Miniature. In pure silver.
  16. Military Affairs Merit Badges from Navy Ministry/海軍省軍事功労章

    Badge was introduced on October 3, 1935 Original description and line drawings.