
  1. 3rd class Sacred Treasure order awarded in 1914 to Major General Funabashi Yoshizo

    Major General Funabashi Yoshizo bio https://asiamedals.info/threads/major-general-funabashi-yoshizo.26462/ His 2nd class Rising Sun order https://asiamedals.info/threads/2nd...920-to-major-general-funabashi-yoshizo.27520/ His 4th class Golden Kite order...
  2. 2nd class Sacred Treasure order document issued in 1931 to Counselor of the Ministry of the Navy Masatsune Hotta

    Awarded on October 31, 1931. Sacred Treasure order No. 751 004. Hand-signed by Emperor Hirohito. Masatsune Hotta (堀田正恒; October 21, 1887 - March 16, 1951) was a politician and nobleman He is a member of the House of Peers . He was born in Tokyo Prefecture as the second son of Viscount...
  3. 1st class Sacred Treasure and 2nd class Rising Sun orders awarded to Chamberlain Vsevolod Evgenievich Konyar

    1st class Sacred Treasure awarded on March 4, 1902 to Vsevolod Evgenievich Koniar, Chamberlain of the Imperial Court /Гофмейстер Всеволод Евгеньевич Кониар/ウエヱーニュヤル露西亞國式部職主事. Sacred Treasure No.1329 awarded to a foreigner. Reverse inscribed in Russian "Кониар Всеволод Евгеньевич. Правитель...
  4. Classroom Demonstration Set of Japanese Orders

    Set of replicas that could be created for use in Japanese schools.
  5. 3rd class Sacred Treasure order document issued in 1915 to future Rear Admiral Kōtarō Takemura

    Takemura Kotaro /武村耕太郎/ (1879-1948). 1901.4/26 Junior Engineer Candidate 02.1/18 Junior Engineer 03.9/26 Middle Engineer 05.1/12 Chief Engineer/24-08.8/6 Stationed in England 06.1/26 Captain 09.1/9 Ship Management Headquarters 4th Staff Member 2/1 Ship Management Headquarters Instructor, Naval...
  6. 2nd class Sacred Treasure order document issued in 1936 to Kyoto university professor Tetsutaro Inoue

    Size 597 x 457 mm. Awarded on December 7, 1936 Tetsutaro Inoue /井上銕太郎/. Sacred Treasure order No. 920 943.
  7. 3rd class Order of the Sacred Treasure awarded in 1919 to Paymaster Rear Admiral Frederick Arthur Frith Banbury

    3rd class Sacred Treasure order from the collection of National Maritime Museum. Banbury's medal bar. He was a staff paymaster serving on HMS Minerva in the Mediterranean at the time of the Messina earthquake in December 1908. He was awarded with Italian medal and order on 16 March 1911. He...
  8. 1st class Sacred Treasure document issued in 1993 to Jean-Louis Wolzfeld, former Ambassador of Luxembourg to Japan

    Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Awarded on November 19, 1993 to Jean-Louis Walsfeldt /ジャン・ルイ・ウォルズフェルトを /. Sacred Treasure order No.10 953 awarded to a foreigner. Emperor Heisei signature. Details.
  9. 3rd class order of the Sacred Treasure with a Modified Ribbon Fastener

    Nice very early badge. Classy. Much better job than this one https://asiamedals.info/threads/3rd-class-golden-kite-order-with-a-modified-ribbon-fastener.26540/
  10. Comparative analysis of three Sacred Treasure Orders with mark ナ

    About mark ナ https://asiamedals.info/threads/mark-na-on-japanese-orders-and-medals-who-and-when.28707/ Three 7th and 8th class Sacred Treasures orders with mark ナ.
  11. 3rd class Order of the Sacred Treasure awarded in 1995

    Exemplary set awarded on November 3, 1995. Two-screw variation the was awarded between 1980s and 2003. Post war Sacred Treasure order No. 2 114 960.
  12. 1st class Sacred Treasure order awarded in 1991 to David Rockefeller

    Awarded on April 16, 1991. Sacred Treasure order No.10 609 awarded to a foreigner. Emperor Akihito signature. Official translation.
  13. 1st class Sacred Treasure order awarded in 1986 to Frank Bradford Morse

    Set was awarded to Bradford F. Morse (former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme) on November 3, 1986. Badges is marked GK. "Trident" type breast star https://asiamedals.info/threads/trident-breast-stars-of-the-order-of-the-sacred-treasure.25703/ Original...
  14. 1st class Sacred Treasure order document issued in 1975 to Arai Seiichirō

    Size 23.25 x 16.5 cm. Issued on November 3, 1975 to Arai Seiichirō /荒井誠一郎/. Emperor Hirohito signature. Document No. 1 892 461 Case.
  15. 5th class Sacred Treasure order of "glued variation" awarded in 1979

    Awarded on May 21, 1979. Document for the new court rank (issued together with order). Order.
  16. 2nd class Rising Sun order awarded in 1957 and 2nd class Sacred Treasure order awarded in 1941

    Very rare post war award (awarded before official "revival" of Japanese awarding system https://asiamedals.info/threads/regarding-postwar-revival-of-japanese-honors-system.15039/). This 2nd Rising Sun order was issued on September 21, 1957 (unfortunately the name of the awardee is not known)...
  17. Cases for Sacred Treasure Order with Atypical Style of Inscription

    These cases could easily be detected by atypically styled upper kanji 勲 - Merit. Comparison with a "typical" inscription for an "early" (1888-late 1930s) cases (on the example of 6th class cases). Comparison with a "typical" inscription for a "late" (late 1930s- 2003) cases...
  18. 2nd class Order of Sacred Treasure awarded in 1940

    Exemplarity late (still signed by the Emperor Hirohito, after December 28, 1940 only 1st class documents will be signed by Emperor) for the 2nd class Sacred Treasure order. Issued on January 15, 1940 to 平岡儼 - Hitoshi Hiraoka. Watermarks.
  19. 1st class Sacred Treasure order awarded in 1964

    Exemplary full set from mid-1960s. Badge. Breast star. Details. Sash rosette. Miniature button rosette.
  20. Early 6th class order of Sacred Treasure without inscription on reverse

    Early Japanese-made specimen from approximately 1890s. No visible signs of kanji "Order of Merit" removal. At least judging from these photos.