Tokyo Prefecture Election “Clean-Up” (Shukusei) Badge/東京府選挙粛正章

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粛正 - “Clean-Up” (Shukusei)


東京府 - Tokyo Prefecture

選挙粛正 - Election “Clean-Up”

During late 1930s “Clean-Up” (Shukusei) was not merely an official enlightenment movement to prevent electoral corruption but an all-out campaign launched nationwide by the Home Ministry and the military intending to get rid of political parties. The authorities aimed to establish a new political system which would replace “a party cabinet” to deal with a national emergency. Under the national unity Cabinet of Prime Minister OKADA Keisuke, the Clean Election Committee Act was promulgated in May 1935 (Showa 10), with committees set up in all of Japan prefectures. In June, the Central League for Clean Elections was established, organized by various private sector enlightenment groups. The Clean Election Movement, was a joint public-private movement led by the Home Ministry, aimed at the prevention of corrupt acts, and the spread of the notion of "fair elections." It involved a campaign of enlightenment through the distribution of pamphlets, the holding of lectures, and radio broadcasts, etc., with informal discussion gatherings convened throughout the country. Later, that served as the groundwork for the People's Spiritual General Mobilization Movement and the Yokusan (Imperial Rule Assistance) elections of 1942.​

Original case.

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Badge was made by 黒川義勝工場 - Yoshikatsu Kurokawa Factory.

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    japanese badge japanese election “clean-up” shukusei manufacturer of japanese badges tokyo prefecture election shukusei badge tokyo prefecture election “clean-up” badge yoshikatsu kurokawa factory 東京府選挙粛正章 黒川義勝工場
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