Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative Medal/第三次蒙古大會紀念章

Second Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative Medal

On March 24, 1938, Yun Wangchuck, who was nominally the chairman of Grand Council, died of illness. Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council was opened on July 1, 1938. It was decided to elect De Wang as the Grand Council chairman and Li Shouxin as the vice chairman. On the same day, the Autonomous Government of the Puppet-Mongolian Alliance held the third Mongolian conference in Houhe. The princes of Mongolia, representatives of Japan, and puppet regimes such as Manchukuo, Chanan, and North Hebei attended the meeting.​

Medal was awarded to the participants of the Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council.

Silvered metal.
Size 32.13 mm.
Weight 14.2 g.

Private collection. Photo courtesy of the owner.

Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative Medal 第三次蒙古大會紀念章.jpg
Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council  Commemorative Medal 第三次蒙古大會紀念章.jpg


第三次蒙古大會紀念 - Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative

Terrestrial globe enameled in light blue with Manchukuo in yellow, Japan in red, China in green and Mongolia in blue with a Mongolian inscriptions.

Above the globe are crossed flags of Mongol Military Government (1936-1937), blue with a vertically striped canton of red, yellow and white. The colors on the flag were used to represent major ethnic groups in Mengjiang: blue for the Mongols; red for the Japanese; yellow for the Han and white for the "Hui" (the name given to the Muslims at that time).

"Mongolia" written in old Mongolian language.

Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative Medal 第三次蒙古大會紀念章.jpg

Reverse inscription in old Mongolian language duplicates the inscription on the obverse (at the end it adds the year "733 year [of Genghis Khan Era]" = 1938).

Unwatered silk.
Width 33 mm.

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Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative Medal 第三次蒙古大會紀念章.jpg
Cased specimen.

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Third Mongolian Grand Council Commemorative Medal..jpg


第三次蒙古大會紀念 - Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative

Original case.

Third Mongolian Grand Council Commemorative Medal ..jpg
Cased specimen in almost pristine condition.

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Third Inner  Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative Medal.jpg

Third  Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative Medal.jpg

Third Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative  Medal.jpg

Third Inner Mongolia  Grand Council Commemorative Medal.jpg

Third Inner Mongolia Grand  Council Commemorative Medal.jpg
Size 32 mm.
Weight 14.4 g.

Inner Mongolia Grand Council Commemorative Medal.jpg
  • Tags
    inner mongolia inner mongolia awards inner mongolia grand council commemorative medal inner mongolia grand council medal inner mongolia medals japanese puppet state medal mengjiang autonomous government award mengjiang autonomous government badge mengjiang autonomous government medal mengjiang government awards and decorations mengjiang medal 第三次蒙古大會紀念章 第三次蒙古大會記念章
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