2nd class Private.
#26 Another photo with shoulder patch. Note home-made army emblem on the car radiator https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-army-navy-vehicle-emblems-for-radiators.22771
Another photo with shoulder patch. Note home-made army emblem on the car radiator https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-army-navy-vehicle-emblems-for-radiators.22771
#27 Officers and soldiers of the 6th Independent Garrison Infantry Battalion. 独立守備步兵第六大隊第三中隊 - 6th Independent Garrison Infantry Battalion 3rd Company Lieutenant colonel.
Officers and soldiers of the 6th Independent Garrison Infantry Battalion. 独立守備步兵第六大隊第三中隊 - 6th Independent Garrison Infantry Battalion 3rd Company Lieutenant colonel.
#29 Interesting photo of superior private from 6th Independent Garrison Infantry Battalion with Kenpeitai armband https://asiamedals.info/threads/kenpeitai-in-photos.13976
Interesting photo of superior private from 6th Independent Garrison Infantry Battalion with Kenpeitai armband https://asiamedals.info/threads/kenpeitai-in-photos.13976
#31 Lance corporal with two army proficiency badges: rifle marksmanship badge and light machinegun badge.
Lance corporal with two army proficiency badges: rifle marksmanship badge and light machinegun badge.