Privately Commissioned Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by an Unidentified Russian workshops

Privately commissioned orders of Saint Stanislaus with swords

1st class cross from 1899-1904 time period.

Gold, silver, enamel.
Size 59.8×57.4 mm.
Weight 25.8 g.

Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56 ЯЛ" /initials of the assay inspector of the St. Petersburg assay office "ЯЛ/YL" (Яков Ляпунов/Yakov Lyapunov)/.

Privately Commissioned 1st class Order  of Saint Stanislaus.jpg

Privately Commissioned 1st class Order of Saint Stanislaus.jpg

Note quite rare curved form of the mark "56ЯЛ".

Privately Commissioned 1st class Order_of Saint Stanislaus.jpg
3rd class Saint Stanislaus cross.

Gold, enamel.
Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56" from 1870s time period and unreadable maker's mark.

Орден святого Станислава 3-й степени.jpg

Орден святого  Станислава 3-й степени.jpg

Орден святого Станислава 3-й  степени.jpg


Орден  святого Станислава 3-й степени.jpg
3rd class cross with Austrian style triangle ribbon.

Gold, silver, enamel.
Size 47 х 45.5 mm.
Weight 14.45 g.

Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56+anchors" from 1882-1898 time period and partly readable maker's mark /"RL"?/.

Знак ордена Святого Станислава 3-й степени.jpg
Знак ордена Святого  Станислава 3-й степени.jpg
3rd class cross.

Gold, silver, enamel.
Size 46.1 х 43.4 mm.
Weight 12.02 g.

Marked with partly readable St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56+anchors" from 1908+ time period and unreadable maker's mark.

Знак ордена Святого Станислава 3-й степени.jpg

Знак ордена  Святого Станислава 3-й степени.jpg
1st/2nd class cross.

Gold, enamel.
Size 57 mm.

Marked with unreadable maker's mark and St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark.

1st class Order of St. Stanislaus made.jpg

1st class Order of St. Stanislaus   made.jpg
2nd class cross from 1882-1898 time period.

Gold, silver, enamel.
Size 52 mm.
Weight 19.9 g.

Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56+anchors" and unreadable maker's mark.

2nd class Order  of Saint Stanislaus.jpg

2nd class  Order  of Saint Stanislaus.jpg

2nd class Order  of  Saint Stanislaus.jpg

2nd class Order  of Saint  Stanislaus.jpg

2nd  class Order  of Saint Stanislaus.jpg
  • Tags
    imperial russian order of saint stanislaus order of saint stanislaus privately commissioned order of saint stanislaus знак ордена св.станислава частного производства награды императорской россии орден св.станислава частник орден святого станислава орден святого станислава частник ордена императорской россии
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