Orders of Saint Anna made by Rothe, Wien

Standard Rothe-made breast star with Imperial crown.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 82 mm.


Звезда ордена Святой Анны Rothe.jpg
Звезда ордена Святой Анны  Rothe.jpg
Another fake "full set" made by Rothe.

Rothe-made Saint Anna order.jpg

Silver, gilding, enamel.
Size 82x53 mm.

Rothe-made Saint Anna  order.jpg

Breast star.
Silver, gilding, enamel.
Size 84 mm.

Rothe-made Saint  Anna order.jpg
Rothe-made 1st class cross without crown.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 54 mm.

Rothe-made 1st  class cross without crown.jpg

Rothe-made  1st  class cross without crown.jpg
Rothe-made Saint Anna order breast star with Imperial crown.

Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 85 mm.

Marked with a fake "AK" mark.

Rothe-made Saint Anna order breast star with Imperial crown.jpg
Rothe-made Saint Anna order  breast star with Imperial crown.jpg


Rothe-made Saint  Anna order breast star with Imperial crown.jpg

Rothe-made Saint Anna  order breast star with Imperial crown.jpg

Rothe-made Saint Anna order  breast star  with Imperial crown.jpg

Fake mark.

Fake mark.jpg
  • Tags
    fake saint anna order made by rothe order of saint anna made by rothe rothe made orders copies for collectors rothe-made copies of awards rothe-made copy of russian imperial order rothe-made fake order rothe-made fakes of awards копии для коллекционеров фирмы роте награды императорской россии орден святой анны орден святой анны 1-й степени орден святой анны производства rothe орден святой анны производства фирмы роте ордена императорской россии ордена мастерской роте подделки русских орденов роте подделки русских орденов фирмы rothe фирма роте
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