Orders of Sacred Treasure with ひ mark

7th class.

s-l1600 (2).jpg s-l1600 (3).jpg

s-l1600 (4).jpg s-l1600 (5).jpg

Mark is exactly the same as on rising sun orders


s-l1600 (6).jpg

s-l1600 (7).jpg s-l1600 (1).jpg s-l1600 (8).jpg
Another 7th class.

s-l1600 (3).jpg s-l1600 (4).jpg

s-l500 (1).jpg

3rd class sacred treasure marked with .
Photos courtesy of the owner.

3rd class sacred treasure marked with ひ.jpg
3rd class  sacred treasure marked with ひ.jpg


3rd class sacred  treasure marked with ひ.jpg
6th class Sacred Treasure order with mark ひ .

6th class Sacred Treasure order with mark  ひ.jpg
6th class Sacred Treasure order with mark  ひ ..jpg
  • Tags
    japanese order japanese order marked ひ japanese order with mark ひ mark ヒ marked japanese order order of sacred treasure marked ひ sacred treasure order sacred treasure order with ひ mark
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