Orders of Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop of Ivan Futikin /ИФ/

Futikin Ivan Ivanovich, owner of a silverware workshop. According to the information as of 1894, he had 12 workers. On the hallmark of the master, the initials are depicted in two letters "IF".​

ИФ mark.jpg

Футикин Иван Иванович, владелец мастерской серебряных изделий. По сведениям 1894 г. имел рабочих 12. На клейме мастера изображены инициалы двумя буквами "ИФ". Изделия: чеканные оклады икон, ложки и портсигар с чернью, ГИМ (1863-1897 гг.).

Source: Marina Mikhailovna Postnikova-Loseva Index of Russian marks on products made of precious metals of the 17th-20th centuries/Марина Михайловна Постникова-Лосева Указатель русских клейм на изделия из драгоценных металлов XVII-XX вв.

Марина Михайловна Постникова-Лосева Указатель русских клейм на изделия из драгоценных металлов XVII-XX вв.jpg

Workshop marks.
клеймо «ИФ»   Иван Футикин.jpg
клеймо «ИФ»  Иван Футикин.jpg

1st class badge.

Silver, gilt, enamel, glass stones.
Size 75 mm.
Weight 43.5 g.

Marked with "ИФ/IF" for Ivan Futikin /Иван Футикин/ and Moscow assay office silver hallmark "84 + St. George" from 1882-1898 time period.

Order of Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop Ivan Futikin.jpeg

Order of Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop Ivan Futikin — копия.jpeg

Order of Lion  and Sun made by Moscow workshop Ivan Futikin.jpeg

Order of Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop  Ivan Futikin.jpeg


Breast star of the same iconography.

Silver, gilt, enamel, glass stones.
Size 74 mm.
Weight 48 g.

Order of  Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop Ivan Futikin.jpeg

Order  of Lion and Sun made by  Moscow workshop Ivan Futikin.jpeg
Same breast star under a different light.

Order of Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop.jpg

Pin of the breast star marked with Moscow assay office silver hallmark with initials of assay office inspector AР and partly readable maker's mark "tr".

3rd class badge /suspension is missing/ from the collection of Bakhchisarai Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve.

Silver, gilt, enamel, strass stones.
Size 69 × 64 mm.

Marked with "ИФ/IF" for Ivan Futikin /Иван Футикин/ and Moscow assay office silver hallmark "84 + St. George" from 1882-1898 time period.

Order of Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop Ivan  Futikin.jpg

Order of Lion and Sun made by  Moscow workshop Ivan  Futikin.jpg

Order of Lion and Sun made by Moscow workshop Ivan Futikin.jpg
Order was awarded to Ismail-Mirza Gasprinsky (March 1851, Avdzhiko, Tauride Governorate - 11 [24] September 1914, Bakhchisarai, Tavricheskaya province) Crimean Tatar political and public figure, intellectual, educator, publisher and dissident, who gained fame and recognition among the entire Muslim population of the Russian Empire. One of the founders of Jadidism and Pan-Turkism.​

Исмаил Гаспринский.jpg

Gasprinsky was awarded with 3rd and 4th classes of Persian order of Lion and Sun, 3rd class Golden Star of the Noble Bukhara order, 4th class Turkish Medjidie order and bronze medal of the St. Petersburg Russian Technical Society”.​
  • Tags
    moscow workshop of ivan futikin order of lion and sun made by ivan futikin order of lion and sun marked иф persian order of lion and sun persian order of lion and sun marked иф russian-made order of lion and sun орден именное клеймо иф орден льва и солнца орден льва и солнца клеймо иф орден льва и солнца мастерской футикина орден мастерской иван ивановича футикина
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