Merit Medals for Veterans of Japanese Army Units in the form of the Order of the Golden Kite /Veterans Golden Kites/

17th Heavy Artillery Regiment Merit Medal.

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17th Heavy Artillery Regiment Merit  Medal.jpg

17th Heavy Artillery Regiment Merit Medal.jpg


勲功章- Merit/Distinguished Services Badge/Medal

野戦重砲第十七聯隊- 17th Heavy Artillery Regiment

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Original case.

勲功章- Merit Medal

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Manchuria 1st Border Guard Corps Merit Medal.

Manchuria 1st Border Guard Corps Merit Medal.jpg

Manchuria 1st Border Guard  Corps Merit Medal.jpg


勲功章- Merit Medal

満州第一國境警備隊 - Manchuria 1st Border Guard Corps

Manchuria 1st  Border  Guard Corps Merit Medal.jpg
Original certificate that was issued together with the badge.

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Citation/Letter of Commendation

Mikihisa Koitabashi

The man on the right was once on the front line of the country, on the eastern Soviet-Manchurian border in the Dongjia District of Mudanjiang Province, Manchuria. In order to separate the day and night, I worked as a reconnaissance outpost.
On August 9, 1945, at 12:30 a.m., the Soviet army invaded all of Manchuria. Until we receive the cease-fire order from the commander of the Kwantung Army, the commander of the 3rd Army, relying on a solid fortress built with blood and sweat on a daily basis. With the strength of only one battalion, one division was able to stalemate the Allied Forces to the border line, fully demonstrating the true value of the fortress, and completing the mission of defending the border.
With the spirit of the traditional Kwantung Army of the Japanese Army, they trained carefully and built their positions with sincerity and affection. As a result of the strong sense of responsibility of the troops, the Kwantung Army Japanese soldiers were praised for their great achievements and splendid martial arts.

August 27, 1972

Kanjiro Osawa from Tondabadera School in Manchuria



右の者はかって国の第一線たら東部ソ満国境 満州牡丹江省東家地区満州第一国境守備隊在隊 中厳寒と酷熱を克版~艱難辛苦陣地構築及び 激しい戦斗訓練に精励しつつ日夜を分かため情 偵察分哨勤務駐侯国境巡察等重大良困難なん 国境最前線警備の激しい諸勤務に従事しよく その任務を遂行せり
昭和二十年八月九日午前零時三十分ソ連軍全満州 国境線の侵攻に当りては各地区守備隊は勇敢 に戦(り特に東地区守備隊は八月二六日停戦の 昭関東軍司令官第三軍司令官の停戦命令書を受 領するまで日頃血と汗で構築せる堅固な要塞に拠り 爆撃機一〇〇機加農砲五十門の猛烈なら砲爆を受くるも 善戦完斗しわずか一個大隊の兵力で一個師団に連 軍を国境線に膠着せしめ要塞の真価を遺憾なく発 国境守備の任務を完行せ
これらは伝統ある日本陸軍関東軍精神を以って周到なも 訓練を重ね誠心と愛情をこめて陣地を築いた多歴 代将兵のたゆまぬ努力と戦いには一致団結 毅果敢且不撓不屈の攻撃精神をもって戦を遂行 部隊将兵の旺盛なる責任観念の発露にして関東軍 日本軍人の亀たり 仍って弦にその偉大な功績と赫々たる武敷を讃え 感状並びに満州第一国境守備隊勲功章を授与す


満州富田馬寺校 大澤侃次郎ろ

Veterans  Golden Kites.jpg
Cased specimen.

Manchuria 1st Border Guard Corps Merit Medal.jpg

勲功章- Merit Medal

Manchuria 1st Border Guard Corps  Merit Medal.jpg

Manchuria 1st  Border Guard Corps Merit Medal.jpg

Manchuria 1st Border  Guard Corps Merit Medal.jpg

Additional ribbon name tag badge.

Manchuria 1st  Border Guard  Corps Merit Medal.jpg

Manchuria1st Border Guard Corps Merit Medal.jpg
Width 45 mm.
Height 85 mm.
Weight 31 g.

満州第一国境守備隊 勲功章 金鵄勲章.jpg
満州第一国境守備隊 勲功章金鵄勲章.jpg

満州第一国境守備隊 勲功章.jpg

Case dimensions 90 x 25 x 13 cm.


  • Tags
    japanese order of golden kite merit medal for veteran of japanese imperial army order of golden kite order of golden kite with inscription order of golden kite with reverse inscription veterans golden kites 勲功章 満州第一国境守備隊勲功章 満州第一国境守備隊勲功章金鵄勲章 連隊章 野戦重砲兵第十七連隊勲功章 野戦重砲兵第十七連隊章 野戦重砲第十七聯隊勲功章
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