Manchurian Incident Garrison Service Commemorative Watch Fobs/満州事變満洲守備記念章

1st variant of design.

Manchurian Incident Garrison Service Commemorative Watch Fobs 満州事變満洲守備記念章.jpg
Manchurian Incident Garrison Service Commemorative Watch Fobs  満州事變満洲守備記念章.jpg


満洲守備 - Manchuria Garrison [Service]

記念- Commemorative


満州事變 - Manchurian Incident 昭和六年九月十八日 - September 18, 1932

(four dates of the four events)

March 1, 1932 - Establishment of the Manchukuo State

September 15, 1932 - Signing of the Japan-Manchukuo Protocol

May 30, 1933 - Japan-China Cease-Fire Agreement

March 1, 1934 - Establishment of the Empire of Manchuria

Watch fob with similar reverse inscription
2nd variant of design.

満州独立守備隊記念 徽章.jpg
満州独立守備隊記念 徽章 (2).jpg


記念- Commemorative

満洲守備 - Manchuria Garrison [Service]

reverse (above)

満州事變 - Manchurian Incident 昭和六年九月十八日 - September 18, 1932

(in the center from right to the left)

March 1, 1932 - Establishment of the Manchukuo State

September 15, 1932 - Signing of the Japan-Manchukuo Protocol

May 30, 1933 - Japan-China Cease-Fire Agreement

March 1, 1934 - Establishment of the Empire of Manchuria

(at the bottom)

北鉄譲渡調印 - North Manchuria Railway Signing a Transfer Agreement (i.e. selling of Chinese Eastern Railway/KVZhD by USSR)

昭和十年三月二十三日 - March 23, 1935
  • Tags
    garrison service commemorative watch fobs imperial army badge japanese army badge japanese independent garrison units badges manchurian incident watch fobs 満州事變記念章 満洲守備記念章
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