Japan Seafarers Relief Association Badges in Photos

Rare photos.

Japan Seafarers Relief Association Badge Photo.jpg
Japan Seafarers  Relief Association Badge Photo.jpg

Japan  Seafarers Relief Association Badge Photo.jpg

Reservist badge + Japan Seafarers Relief Association Special Lifetime Membership badge (another possibility - Regular Lifetime Membership badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/2nd...rsion-of-regular-lifetime-member-badge.26326/)

特別終身会員章 男子.jpg

男子 - Male [version]

特別終身会員章 - Special Lifetime Membership Badge

特別終身会員章  男子.jpg
Mr. Kimura Enkichi /木村圓吉君/ holder of the (1st/2nd class or early without indication of class) Merit Badge /有功章佩有者/.

君吉圓村木 者有佩章功有.jpg

Early Merit Badge without class indication https://asiamedals.info/threads/2nd-class-merit-badge-of-japan-seafarers-relief-association.26334/
1st class Merit Badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/1st-class-merit-badge-of-japan-seafarers-relief-association.26340/
2nd class Merit Badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/2nd-class-merit-badge-of-japan-seafarers-relief-association.26334/

Named Merit Badge of Japan Seafarers Relief Association.jpg
Mr. Fujiyama Yōkichi /藤山要吉君/ holder of the (1st or 2nd class) Merit Badge /有功章佩有者/.

Mr. Enkichi Kimura 木村圓吉君 holder of the (1st or 2nd class) Merit Badge 有功章佩有者.jpg
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    japan seafarers relief association japan seafarers relief association badge japan seafarers relief association badge photo japanese badge 日本海員掖済会 日本海員掖済会章
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