Hyogo Prefecture Itami Junior High School Alumni Association 1935 Martial Arts Tournament Watch Fob/1935年兵庫県伊丹中学校立校友会武章

Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Hyogo Prefecture Itami Junior High School Alumni Association 1935 Martial Arts Tournament Watch Fob.jpg


- Martial Arts


兵庫縣立 - Hyogo Prefecture

伊丹中學校 - Itami Junior High School

校友會 - Alumni Association

昭和拾年九月 - September 1935
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    1935年兵庫県伊丹中学校立校友会武章 hyogo prefecture martial arts watch fob itami junior high school watch fob japanese martial arts association badge martial arts japanese badge
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