martial arts japanese badge

  1. Award Watch Fob from the Korea Regional Headquarters of Butoku Kai/大日本武徳会朝鮮地方本部賞章
  2. Award Watch Fob from the Korea Regional Headquarters of Butoku Kai/大日本武徳会朝鮮地方本部賞章

    See 1st variation. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 大日本武徳會 - Dai Nippon Butoku Kai 朝鮮地方本部 - Korea Regional Headquarters
  3. Butoku Kai Gold Award Medal/大日本武徳會金賞牌

    See Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 大日本武徳會 - Dai Nippon Butoku Kai Original case. 金賞牌 - Gold Award Medal 造幣局製 - Made by Mint
  4. Ashikaga Martial Arts Promotion Association Badge/足利武道奨勵會章

    Size 30 mm. Obverse 足利武道奨勵會 - Ashikaga Martial Arts Promotion Association
  5. Aomori Prefecture Ancient Samurai Tournament Badges/青森県古つわもの大会 閑院宮殿下御記念章

    Obverse 一死奉公 - Do One’s Best for Country by Death/Ultimate Sacrifice by Dying for His Country in the Battle Reverse 閑院宮殿下御記念章 - His Emperor Highness Prince Kaninnomiya Personnel Inspection Commemorative Badge 青森県古つわもの大会 - Aomori Prefecture Ancient Samurai Tournamen /つわもの - feudal...
  6. Butoku Kai Renshi Badge/大日本武徳會錬士章

    Obverse reads 錬士 - Renshi /literally means “polished teacher"/ It is the first, or lowest, of the shogo titles. In many organizations this requires a minimum rank of godan (5th degree black belt), although others will award it at yondan (4th degree black belt).