History and Regulation of Women's Medical Courses Completion Badge

The question of whether women could listen to lectures at universities and become doctors began to seriously concern the public in the 60s of the 19th century, and there was no consensus on this matter. However, in 1870, permission was received to give public lectures for women at the University of St. Petersburg, and on November 2, 1872, in St. Petersburg at the in St. Petersburg at the Medical-Surgical Academy “Special Women’s Courses for Learned Midwives/Особые женские курсы для ученых акушерок” were established “as an experiment/в виде опыта.” Women at least 20 years old who had a secondary education or a diploma as a home teacher were allowed to study. The teachers here were mainly professors of the Military Medical Academy. After four years of successful existence, the courses, according to the Highest command of March 4, 1876, were transformed into the Higher Women's Medical Courses with a five-year training period and independence from the Medical-Surgical Academy. Classes were transferred to the women's and children's departments of the Nikolaev Military Hospital. Upon completion of training, students could carry out “obstetric, women’s practice and children’s practice.” The “Temporary Regulations on the Higher Women’s Medical Courses at the Nikolaev Military Land Hospital” were developed and approved, where they were now located and where they were provided with classrooms, laboratories and other premises. In this regard, trainees were given access to practice in some medical institutions in St. Petersburg (Obukhovskaya and Kamenkinskaya hospitals, Mariinsky obstetrics institution, Prince of Oldenburg children's hospital, etc.). Some specifically women's subjects (obstetrics, women's childhood diseases) were taught more widely. Those who completed the full course and successfully passed the exams were awarded so-called “Woman Doctor” badge. Badge of distinction for the right to independent practice /Нагрудный знак отличия на право самостоятельной практики/ was established on June 14, 1880. The badge is a silver wreath of oak leaves, in the upper part it is crowned with a silver double-headed eagle under the imperial crown. Below is a golden “Hippocratic” cup and two golden snakes. In the center are applied stylized gold letters: “ZH/Ж” and “V/В” (Woman-Doctor/Женщина-врач).

With the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. 25 course participants voluntarily went to the theater of military operations, where they showed their best side, selflessly providing assistance to the wounded and sick in hospitals. Despite the high appreciation of the activities of students of the Higher Women's Medical Courses in combat situations by the military command, the sympathy of zemstvo organizations, large contributions from philanthropists and support from artists and writers, on August 5, 1882, Emperor Alexander III signed a Decree on their closure. Changes in the internal policy of the state also affected women's medical education. It received a new round of development in 1897 with the opening of the Women's Medical Institute, the first permanent higher educational institution in Russia and Europe, which provided women with the opportunity to receive higher medical education.​

Original regulation.

61090. June 14. HIGHEST COMMAND, ANNOUNCEED BY THE MINISTER OF MILITARY (Order to the Military Department, June 23, 1880, No. 183). - On the assignment to female persons who have completed their studies at women's medical courses in St. Petersburg Nikolaev Military Hospital, breast badge of distinction for the right to independent practice.
THE EMPEROR has deigned to command: female persons who have completed their studies at the women's medical courses at the St. Petersburg Nicholas Military Hospital should be awarded a badge of distinction for the right to independent practice, according to the attached description and drawing.
(For description and drawing, see the end of the Volume.)

61090. Июня 14. ВЫСОЧАЙШЕЕ ПОВЕЛЬНІЕ, ОБЪЯВЛЕННОЕ ВОЕННЫМЪ МИНИСТРОМЪ (Прик. по военн. въд. 1880 г. Іюня 23, № 183).-О присвоеніи лицамъ женскаго пола, кончившимъ ученіе на женскихъ врачебныхъ курсахъ при Петербургскомъ Николаевскомъ Военномъ Госпитали, нагруднаго знака отличія на право самостоятельной практики.
ГОСУДАРЬ ИМПЕРАТОРЪ Высочайше повелѣть соизволилъ: лицамъ женскаго пола, кончившимъ ученіе на женскихъ врачебныхъ курсахъ при Петербургскомъ Николаевскомъ Военномъ Госпиталѣ, присвоить нагрудный знакъ отличія на право самостоятельной практики, согласно прилагаемымъ описанію и рисунку.
(Описаніе и рисунокъ см. въ концѣ Тома.)​

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Official description.

HIGHLY approved, June 14, 1880, description of the badge for the right to independent medical practice for those who completed studies at women's medical courses at the St. Petersburg Nicholas Military Hospital.
The silver badge consists of two oak branches tied at the bottom with a ribbon, which at the same time clasps the rim of a golden Hippocratic cup; towards the latter, on both sides, two golden snakes crawl from the branches. The upper ends of the branches rest on both sides in the middle of the edges of the State Emblem. Under the coat of arms, in the space between the branches, are placed the golden letters Ж and В (female doctor).
Dimensions of the sign. Height 1 inch 6 1/2 lines, width in the middle, along the horizontal line passing through the middle of the letters, 1 inch 22 lines. The height of the State Emblem is 6 1/2 lines, its width along the horizontal line passing through the tip of the shield in the coat of arms is 4 2/3 of the line.
Female persons awarded the right to independent medical practice in women's medical courses must wear the sign assigned to them on the right side of their chest.

ВЫСОЧАЙШЕ утвержденное, 14 Іюня 1880 года, описаніе знака отличія на право самостоятельной врачебной практики для окончившихъ ученіе на женскихъ врачебныхъ курсахъ при Петербургскомъ Николаевскомъ Военномъ Госпиталѣ.
Знакъ серебряный, состоить изъ двухъ дубовыхъ вѣтвей, перевязанныхъ внизу лентою, которая вмѣстѣ съ тѣмъ обхватываетъ пожку золотой гиппократовой чаши; къ послѣд ней, съ двухъ сторонъ, изъ вѣтвей ползутъ двѣ золотыя змѣи. Верхніе концы вѣтвей упираются съ обѣихъ сторонъ въ середину краевъ Государственнаго герба. Подъ гербомъ въ промежуткѣ между вѣтвями помѣщены золотыя буквы Ж и В (женщина-врачъ).
Размѣры знака. Вышина 1 дюймъ 6 1/2 линій, ширина въ срединѣ, по горизонтальной аппін, проходящей черезъ средину буквъ, 1 дюймъ 22 линін. Вышина Государственнаго герба 6 1/2 линій, ширина его по горизонтальной линіи, про- ходящей черезъ оконечность щита въ гербѣ, 4 2/3 линіи.
Лица женскаго пола, удостоенныя на женскихъ врачебныхъ курсахъ права самостоятельной врачебной практики, должны носить присвоенный имъ знакъ на правой сторон груди.​

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    знак для окончивших женские врачебные курсы санкт-петербургский николаевский военный госпиталь
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