French Officers and Civil Officials with Japanese Awards

Antonin Bridonneau in early 1930s.

Abbé Antonin  Bridonneau.jpg
Abbé_Antonin Bridonneau.jpg
Colonel Armand Louis Henri Noguette with 6th/5th class Rising Sun order.

Colonel Armand Louis Henri Noguette.jpg
Lieutenant-Colonel Hubert-Joseph Henry (June 2, 1846 – August 31, 1898) with 6th/5th Rising Sun order, Dragon of Annam order and Tunisian Glory order. In 1897 he was involved in the Dreyfus affair. Arrested for having forged evidence against Alfred Dreyfus, he was found dead in his prison cell. He was considered a hero by the Anti-Dreyfusards.​

Hubert-Joseph Henry photo.jpg
French politician Pierre Petit with 2nd class Rising Sun order breast star. He is also wearing Grand Cross of the order of the Italian Crown.

Pierre Petit, Homme politique à identifier, ca. 1885.jpg


Pierre Petit, Homme politique à identifier, ca.1885,.jpg
Unidentified divisional general with 6th/5th Rising Sun order order.

Divisional general with Rising Sun order.jpg
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    french officer with japanese award french officer with japanese order photo of french officer with japanese award photo of french officer with japanese order photo of french official with japanese award photo of french official with japanese order photo of japanese award on a foreigner photo with japanese award photo with japanese order
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