Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called "Holstein" or "Pavel" type) from the collection of State Historical Museum

All crosses below belong to the 1797-1829 time period.

1st class badges have approximate width somewhere between 58-72 mm.
2nd class badges have approximate width somewhere between 40-50 mm.

Such considerable range of sizes was a consequences of the absence of clearly defined sizes of 1st and 2nd class badges of the order in original statute of 1797.
This situation was exacerbated by the 1815 Emperor Alexander I Decree "On reducing the size of Russian imperial orders/Об уменьшении размеров российских императорских орденов".

Unique custom-made cross.

Gold, enamel, glass, stamping.
Size 84x80 mm.
Weight 32.79 g.

1st class Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg

1st class Early  Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg

Under different light.

Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg

Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type)-.jpg
Another cross with additional custom "embellishment".

Silver, enamel, glass.
Size 81x80 mm.
Weight 105 g.

1st class Early Orders of St.Anna  (so-called Holstein type).jpg

1st class Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein  type).jpg

Under different light.

Early Orders of St.Anna   (so-called Holstein type)-.jpg

Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type) - .jpg

Non-precious metal, enamel, glass
Size 62x82 mm.


Non-precious metal, enamel, glass.
Size 60x74 mm.



Under different light.


Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg

Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type)-.jpg

Non-precious metal, enamel, glass.
Size 46x55 mm.


Badge is very close by iconography to the previous one. Only slightly smaller size.
Non-precious metal, enamel, glass.
Size 41х51 mm.



Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg
Third badge with the very same iconography and the largest among them.

Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein or Pavel type).jpg

Non-precious metal, enamel, glass
Size 60х67 mm.

Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein or Pavel type)--.jpg
Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein or Pavel type)---.jpg

Even closer painting of central medallion to the previous badge.

Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg

First badge has a size 46x55 mm https://asiamedals.info/threads/ear...of-state-historical-museum.23510/#post-348226
Size of the second badge 41х51 mm https://asiamedals.info/threads/ear...of-state-historical-museum.23510/#post-348227
Third one is the largest 60х67 mm.
Looks like two 2nd classes and one 1st class orders.
Another 1st class badge (with the similar iconography) from the museum collection (awarded in 1808 to General Ivan Sazonov) could be found here https://asiamedals.info/threads/1st...808-to-lieutenant-general-ivan-sazonov.23676/

See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/ear...e-from-private-collections.23605/#post-348756
Beautifully made 2nd class badge.

Gold, silver, enamel, glass.
Size 48x44 mm
Weight 19.5 g.

2nd class Order of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg

2nd class Order of St.Anna  (so-called Holstein type).jpg

Under different light.

Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg


Non-precious metal, enamel, glass.
Size unknown.

Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg
Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type) -.jpg
Central medallion is lost.
Non-precious metal, glass.
Size 59x61 mm.

Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type).jpg
Early Orders of St.Anna (so-called Holstein type)-.jpg
Before 1956 this interesting 1st class cross was in the collection of State Historical Museum. Currently it is in the collection of Hermitage.

Bronze, gilt, enamel, glass.
Size 108 x 89 mm /without ring 92 x 87 mm/.

Early Orders of St.Anna 1st class.jpg
  • Tags
    early orders of st.anna imperial russian orders orders of st.anna "holstein" type orders of st.anna "pavel" type russian imperial order of st.anna ордена императорской россии ордена святой анны голштинского типа ордена святой анны павловского типа
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