Door Plaques "House of the Soldier at the Front"/出征軍人の家表札

出征軍人の家 - House of the Soldier at the Front (lit. 出征 - to go into battle/to campaign)


The very same door plaque from the advertising postcard of Nichibei Kishō Shōkai

Wooden variation.

出征軍人の家 ..jpg


The size of this "plaque" is quite impressive.


Enamelled metal.

Only 出征軍人 - Soldier at the Front.



出征軍人の家 - House of the Soldier at the Front

Door Plaque House of the Soldier at the Front-.jpg

Variation with additional 真鍋町 - Manabe Town.

出征軍人の家 真鍋町.jpg
出征軍人の家 真鍋町..jpg
Paited metal variation.

Door Plaque House of the Soldier at the Front.jpg
Door Plaque  House of the Soldier at the Front..jpg
Personalized door plaques.

矢野武 - Takeshi Yano

矢野赤三 - Akihiro Yano

Personalized door plaque.jpg
小竹義雄 - Yoshio Kodake.

小竹義雄 - Yoshio Kodake.jpg
小竹義雄 - Yoshio Kodake..jpg
China Incident.
Painted aluminum.

支那事変 - China Incident

出征軍人之章 - Soldier at the Front Badge

aluminum made at that time China Incident..jpg
aluminum made at that time China Incident.jpg
Painted aluminum.

出征軍人の家 - House of the Soldier at the Front

出征軍人の家 - House of the Soldier at the Front al.jpg
Aluminum, paint.
Size 14.9 x 6.4 cm.

奉公 - Service

Soldier at the Front Door Badge.jpg
Soldier at the  Front Door Badge.jpg
  • Tags
    door plaques house of the soldier at the front japanese door plaques 出征軍人の家 出征軍人の家表札 出征軍人の家門札 出征軍人の家門標 奉公門札 奉公門標
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