Dating Japanese Order Cases by the Inscription Styles

The style of inscriptions on cases for the Japanese orders could be useful (assuming that the set is authentic) for their dating.

The easiest way to date cases for the Rising Sun and Sacred Treasure orders is by the form of the first /top/ kanji on the case lid.

Rising Sun and Sacred Treasure Orders Cases.
- Merit; Meritorious Deed.

"Roundish/Curved" seal script style /1875-late 1930s/.


"Square" seal script style /late 1930s - early 2003/.

Square style.jpg

"Eccentric" seal script style /late 1930s - 1950s/

For many decades, there has been a misconception among collectors that the "roundish" style is only founded on cases made during the Meiji era (i.e. cases from the 1875-1912 time period). The easiest way to refute this common misconception is the early cases for the Manchukuo orders from the period 1934+, which (like the orders themselves) were made in Japan.

Evolution of the Auspicious Clouds order cases inscription /on the example of 8th class order 勲八位景雲章/.

Auspicious  Clouds order cases 8th class.jpg
Auspicious Clouds order cases  8th class-Photoroom.jpg
Auspicious Clouds order  cases 8th class-Photoroom.jpg

2nd class Auspicious Clouds order cases with "roundish" and "square" styles of inscriptions.

Auspicious Clouds order cases 2nd class.jpg
Auspicious Clouds order cases  2nd class.jpg
Note that the numeral "two" is written /2nd class Auspicious Clouds order case lid with "roundish" inscription/ in its archaic form

= = 2

Such numerals / =2 and =3/ could also be found on the 2nd/3rd class Rising Sun order cases with "roundish" inscriptions. Most likely their appearance could be explained by the fact that Rising Sun order was the very first Japanese order established back in 1875 and at that time it was normal to use these numerals instead of a more common and "modern" and /archaic and are still used in legal documents, receipts, etc. in order to prevent fraud/. The order of the Auspicious Clouds was the equivalent of the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun. It is therefore not surprising that the style of the early Auspicious Clouds order cases was an exact replica of the Rising Sun order cases.
2nd and 3rd class Rising Sun order cases with "roundish" style inscriptions and numerals and .

archaic  form.jpg
archaic form.jpg

Early 2nd and 3rd class Auspicious Clouds order cases with "roundish" style inscriptions and numerals and .

2nd class.jpg
Golden Kite Order Cases.

On the example of 7th class order.

"Roundish/Curved" inscription (1895-1932) / "Square" inscription style in gold (1932-early 1940s) / "Square" inscription style in silver (1937+).

Order of the Precious Crown Cases.

On the example of 8th class order.

"Roundish/Curved" inscription (1895-late 1930s) / "Square" inscription style in gold (late 1930s-2003).

Roundish inscription.jpg
Square inscription.jpg
Order of the Paulownia Flowers Cases.

"Roundish/Curved" inscription (1895- late 1930s) / "Square" inscription style in gold (late 1930s-2003).

Order of the  Paulownia Flowers.jpg
Order of the  Paulownia  Flowers.jpg
Order of the Chrysanthemum Cases.

"Roundish/Curved" inscription (1895- late 1930s) / "Square" inscription style in gold (late 1930s-2003).

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    dating japanese order dating japanese orders how to date japanese medal how to date japanese medal case how to date japanese order case japanese case inscription style japanese case kanji inscription gold japanese case kanji inscription silver japanese case kanji inscription style japanese case order japanese order styles of inscriptions on japanese order cases
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