Commemorative Incense Burner of Japanese Disabled Veterans Association

Commemorative Incense Burner of Japanese Disabled Veterans Association.jpg
Commemorative Incense Burner of Japanese Disabled Veterans Association..jpg

Commemorative Incense Burner of Japanese Disabled Veterans Association -.jpg
Commemorative Incense Burner of Japanese Disabled Veterans Association  -.jpg

Commemorative Incense Burner of Japanese Disabled Veterans Association  ..jpg
Commemorative Incense Burner of Japanese Disabled Veterans Association ..jpg
天皇陛下行幸 - Visit of His Majesty the Emperor

昭和58年11月1日 - November 1, 1983

日本傷痍軍人会記念式典 - Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Memorial Ceremony

Commemorative Incense Burner of Japanese Disabled Veterans Association...jpg
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    incense burner disabled veterans association japanese badge japanese disabled veterans association japanese empire wounded soldiers association wound badge wounded soldier badge
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