Chosen Railway Company Samuhara Good Luck Belt Buckle of Greater Japan Imperial Rule Assistance

About Samuhara railway good luck charms

Specimen from the Tom P. collection.

Greater Japan Imperial Rule Assistance Belt Buckle.jpg


Greater Japan Imperial Rule Assistance emblem
Chosen Railway Company emblem.

Chosen Railway.jpg

Greater Japan  Imperial Rule Assistance Belt Buckle.jpg


臣道實践 - Shindō Jissen = Practice Way of Serving [to the Emperor and Country] (official "spirit slogan" of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association: each person should devote his or her own strengths and abilities to the Country and faithfully follow the path of serving the Emperor; 臣道 - The Way of Vassal/Way of Serving; 實踐 - Putting Into Practice; Implementing).

A couple of alternative translations of Shindō Jissen.

Practice of the Way of the Imperial Subject.

The Way of the Subject.jpg


The Way of the  Subject.jpg

Putting Into Practice the Way of the Imperial Subject.

Putting Into Practice the Way of the Imperial Subject.jpg


Putting Into Practice the Way of the Imperial  Subject.jpg

𪮷抬𪮷𪮇 - Samuhara

職域奉公 - Shokuiki Hōkō = Serving One's Country through One's Occupation (this is another popular slogan of Greater Japan Imperial Rule Assistance where 職域 - range of one's work (occupation); 奉公 - service; apprenticeship; public duty).

More about Shokuiki Hōkō.

Shokuiki Hōkō.jpg


The Way of the  Subject.jpg

2601= 1941
  • Tags
    chosen railway company belt buckle greater japan imperial rule assistance association greater japan imperial rule assistance belt buckle japanese belt buckle samuhara belt buckle samuhara shrine railway good luck charm shindō jissen shokuiki hōkō 職域奉公 臣道實践 𪮷抬𪮷𪮇 𪮷抬𪮷𪮇章
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