Army Kendo and Jukendo Award Watch Fobs/陸軍剣道と銃剣道章

Watch fob of the same design but commissioned by a different regiment.

77th Infantry Regiment Watch Fob.jpg
77th Infantry  Regiment Watch Fob.jpg


- Award

Guards emblem


歩兵七七聯隊 - 77th Infantry Regiment

剣術競技會 - Kenjutsu Competition
歩兵第八聯隊  8th Infantry Regiment Kendo Award Watch Fob.jpg
歩兵第八聯隊  8th Infantry Regiment  Kendo Award Watch Fob.jpg


優勝 - Victory


- Award

歩兵第八聯隊 - 8th Infantry Regiment
Rare documented watch fob from a personal collection.

44th  Infantry Regiment Watch Fob.jpg

44th Infantry Regiment Watch Fob.jpg


尚武 /Shōbu/ - Warlike Spirit

- Victory


歩四四 - 44th Infantry Regiment

優勝 - Champion; Winner

銃剣術競技會 - Bayonet Competition

Document issued on September 28, 1931.

44th Infantry Regiment Watch Fob Document.jpg

賞狀 - Award Certificate

第七中隊 - 7th Company

陸軍步兵一等卒 - Army Infantry Private 1st Class

森田金惠 - Morita Kanee

大隊銃劍術競技會 - Battalion Gunjutsu Competition

Seal of 44th Infantry Regiment 2nd Battalion commander.

44th  Infantry Regiment Watch Fob Document.jpg
He will be also awarded for the next year competition on October 1, 1932.

Competition  October 1st 1932.jpg

Competition   October 1st 1932.jpg
His certificated for the 1st class Jūken-jutsu profficiency badge /銃剣術一級證/ issued on November 20, 1932.
By then he became Superior Private /陸軍步兵上等兵 森田金惠/.



Award certificate for excellent fencing performance while at the army service issued on the very same November 20, 1932.

Award for excellent fencing performance while still in the army.jpg

Seal of 44th Infantry Regiment 7th Company commander.

Award for excellent fencing  performance while still in the army.jpg
Group photo of 7th Company of 44th Infantry Regiment "Triumphal Return from Shanghai Commemorative/上海征凱旋記念".

Group photo of 7th Company.jpg

Group  photo of 7th  Company.jpg

Group photo of  7th Company.jpg

Group photo of 7th  Company.jpg

Group  photo of 7th  Company.jpg

Group photo of  7th  Company.jpg

Group photo  of 7th  Company.jpg

Group  photo  of 7th Company.jpg

Group photo  of 7th Company.jpg
Regimental Sharp Blade Swordsmanship Watch Fob.jpg

Regimental Sharp Blade  Swordsmanship Watch Fob.jpg


- Martial Arts


聯隊鋭剣術 - Regimental Sharp Blade Swordsmanship
競技會 - Tournament/Competition
優勝 - Overall Victory

近歩二ノ五 = 近衛歩兵第二ノ五聯隊 - 2nd Guards Regiment 5th Batallion

昭和五年度 - 1930
Another example of a certificate that accompanied such watch fobs.

步兵第四十八聯隊 - 48th Infantry Regiment

陸軍步兵二等兵立石米作 - Army Infantry Private 2nd class Tateishi Yonesaku

昭和十年度朷年兵劍術競技會 - 1935 Yearly Jukendo Competition

績優秀府愛=之賞ス - Excellent Achievement Award
昭和十年十月四日 - October 4, 1935

1935 Yearly Jukendo Competition Certificate.jpg
Watch from issued by the very same 48th Infantry Regiment.

兵第四十ハ・十 - 48th Infantry Regiment 10th Battalion.jpg
兵第四十ハ・十 48th Infantry Regiment 10th Battalion.jpg


- Martial Arts


歩四十八・十 - 48th Infantry Regiment 10th Battalion
陸軍像科士官学校 第一中隊尚武剣術優勝記念章..jpg


- Award

尙武 - Warlike Spirit

陸軍像科士官学校 第一中隊尚武剣術優勝記念章.jpg

剣術優勝記念 - Swordsmanship Championship Commemoration

陸軍像科士官学校 第一中隊尚武 剣術優勝記念章..jpg


陸軍像科士官学校 - Military Academy Preparatory School

第一中隊 - 1st Company

陸軍像科士官学校 第一中隊尚武 剣術優勝記念章.jpg
陸軍歩兵学校 教導聯隊第二大隊 剣術賞メダル.jpg
陸軍歩兵学校 教導聯隊第二大隊 剣術賞_メダル.jpg


剣術 - Kenjutsu

- Award


陸軍歩兵學校 - Army Infantry School

教導聯隊第二大隊 - Training Regiment 2nd Battalion
Size 25.7 mm.

第一大隊 歩兵第1連隊メダル.jpg
1st Infantry Regiment watch fob.jpg


- Victory


歩一 = 歩兵第一連隊 - 1st Infantry Regiment

第一大隊 - 1st Battalion
4th infantry Regiment Kendo watch fob.jpg
4th infantry  Regiment Kendo watch fob.jpg


for 剣道 - Kendo


歩四 - 4th infantry [Regiment]
Army Kendo badge.jpg
Army Kendo  badge.jpg


Army star

for 剣道 - Kendo
Army Kendo  Award Watch Fob.jpg
Army Kendo   Award Watch Fob.jpg


- Award


剣術優勝 - Kenjutsu /Swordsmanship/ Champion

歩兵第四聯隊 - 4th Infantry Regiment
歩兵第七連隊賞 記念メダル.jpg


- Award


- Award

歩兵第七聯隊 - 7th Infantry Regiment
  • Tags
    japanese army kendo award badge japanese army kendo award watch fob japanese infantry regiment kendo award badge japanese infantry regiment kendo award watch fob 剣術優勝歩兵第一聯隊章 剣術優勝章 剣道歩七九章 尚武章 步兵第九聯隊劍術名譽賞 步兵第九聯隊劍術名譽賞章 歩兵第四十聯隊章 歩兵連隊柔剣道賞メダル 近衛歩兵第四聯隊章 陸軍剣道章
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