8th class Sacred Treasure order posthumously awarded in 1965

Classical postwar posthumous veteran awarding.

8th class Sacred Treasure order posthumously  awarded in  1965.jpg
8th  class Sacred Treasure order posthumously awarded in 1965.jpg

8th class Sacred Treasure order posthumously awarded in  1965.jpg
8th class Sacred Treasure order  posthumously awarded in 1965.jpg

Awarded on August 28, 1965.

故兒島信男 - late Nobuo Kojima.

8th class Sacred Treasure order posthumously awarded in 1965.jpg

Sacred Treasure order certificate No. 11 163.

8th class Sacred Treasure  order posthumously awarded in 1965.jpg

8th class Sacred Treasure order posthumously awarded  in 1965.jpg


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    8th class sacred treasure order 8th class sacred treasure order awarded in 1965 japanese 8th class sacred treasure order order of the sacred treasure award certificate order of the sacred treasure award document sacred treasure order posthumously awarded in 1965 zuihō-shō 勲八等瑞宝章 瑞宝章
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