4th class Golden Kite order with additional sticker on the case lid

Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.

4th class Golden Kite order with additional tag on the case  lid.jpg

4th class Golden Kite order with additional tag on the case lid.jpg

功四 - 4th class [Golden Kite order]

歩兵 - Infantry
中尉 - Lieutenant

牧野音藏 - Makino Otozo

Such stickers are quite common on post-war awards, but are rarely seen on WWII order cases.

4th class  Golden Kite order with additional tag on the case lid.jpg

5th class Rising Sun that was awarded together with the 4th class Golden Kite order.

4th class Golden Kite order with additional tag on  the case lid.jpg
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    4th class order of the golden kite japanese military order of golden kite kinshi kunshō order of the golden kite 金鵄勲章
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