3rd class St.George Order awarded to Count Pavel Stroganov in 1807

See also Hessian Order "Pour la Vertu Militaire" awarded to Count Pavel Stroganov in 1815 https://asiamedals.info/threads/hes...arded-to-count-pavel-stroganov-in-1815.28212/

Gold, enamel.
Size 42х59 mm.

Collection of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

3rd class St.George Order of Count Pavel Stroganov.jpg

3rd class St.George Order of Count Pavel  Stroganov.jpg

Awarded on August 22, 1807.

"In retribution for the excellent courage and bravery shown in the battle of May 24 against the French troops, where of his own free will he was with the light troops commanded by Lieutenant General Platov and, having under his command the regiments of Atamansky and Major General Ilovaisky of the 5th, with approaching the troops to the river Alla, crossing with them across it by swimming, hit the enemy in the rear, and put a noble number on the spot and captured 47 officers and 500 lower ranks; after that, seeing the following enemy convoy, he sent a detachment of Cossacks there, who destroyed the covering troops, which stretched up to 500 people, took it and after it attacked the enemy infantry in the village of Brutsval with the regiment of Ilovaisky, from where he drove it out and put it to flight".

"В воздаяние отличного мужества и храбрости, оказанных в сражении 24-го мая против французских войск, где по собственной воле находился при легких войсках, командуемых генерал-лейтенантом Платовым и, имея под своим начальством полки Атаманский и генерал-майора Иловайского 5-го, при сближении войск к реке Алле, переправясь с ними через оную вплавь, ударил на неприятеля в тыл, причем положил знатное число на месте и взял в плен 47 офицеров и 500 нижних чинов; после того, усмотрев следовавший неприятельский обоз, отправил туда отряд казаков, которые истребили прикрытие, простиравшееся до 500 человек, взяли оный и вслед за ним атаковал с полком Иловайского неприятельскую пехоту в д. Бруцваль, откуда вытеснил оную и обратил в бегство".​


3rd class St.George Order  of Count Pavel  Stroganov.jpg
Pavel Alexandrovich with the very same cross (portrait was painted in 1808 by Monier J.L.1743 (4), Paris — 1808, St Petersburg).

Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov 1808.jpg

Count Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganov (Russian: Граф Павел Александрович Строганов; born June 7 (18), 1774, in Paris; died June 10 (22), 1817) was count and son of Alexander Stroganov and Yekaterina Petrovna (née Trubetskaya). He traveled a great deal around Russia. He went to Switzerland in order to complete his education and went to Paris in 1789. He took part in events of the French Revolution. He was called back to Russia in 1790. He became a gentleman in waiting in 1798. He was a member of the Private Committee at the beginning of the reign of Alexander I. He was also the assistant of the Minister of the Internal Affairs. He became a senator in 1806. He fought in the Finnish War (1808-1809), the Russo-Turkish War (1806-1812) and the Patriotic War of 1812.​
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    3rd class st.george order 3rd class st.george order awarded in 1807 3rd class st.george order of count stroganov early 3rd class st.george order imperial russia awards imperial russia order russian imperial order of st.george russian military st.george order награды императорской россии орден георгия 3 степени строганова орден святого георгия орден святого георгия 3 класса орден святого георгия 3 степени орден святого георгия строганова ордена императорской россии ордена святого георгия наполеоновских войн
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