2nd class Orders of Saint Anna of 1815 type made in Paris in 1816 and awarded for the Battle of Waterloo

A truly unique case: officially issued Russian Imperial orders that were made in Paris.

On February 7, 1816, a message was sent from the Office of the Chief of the General Staff to the Treasurer of the Kapitul /Chapter/ of Orders, Privy Councilor Arshenevsky: "I inform you that by the Highest will, the badges of St. Anne of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class, St. Vladimir and St. George of the type approved on January 20, 1816 were prepared in Paris and distributed in Paris to officials of various powers. The Kapitul /Chapter/ was not notified of the grants, for the reason that at that time these badges, especially those of the last two orders, were not approved by the Highest decree. I hereby inform you that the new badges made in Paris: St. George 4th class - 11, St. Anne 2nd class - 3, St. Anne 3rd class - 7, were left in my own chancery in case of distribution. We are sending a list officials of various powers, indicating to whom and what badges were distributed and the remaining badges.


The following new badges were sent to the Duke of Wellington for presentation to English subjects: 11 Orders of St. George, 4th class; 16 Orders of St. Vladimir, 4th class; 20 Orders of St. Anne, 2nd class."​

Russian State Historical Archive. F. 496. Op. 1. D. 26. L. 58, 59.
[Quoted from T.N. Ilyina. On the Size of the Cross and the Color of the Medallion of the Order of St. George.
Transactions of the State Hermitage Museum. Vol. CIV. Heraldry: research and practice.
Proceedings of the scientific conference February 20-22, 2020. St. Petersburg: State Hermitage Museum Publishing House, 2021.]​

7 февраля 1816 года из Управления начальника Главного штаба казначею Капитула орденов тайному советнику Аршеневскому направилось послание: "Уведомляю, что по Высочайшей воле в Париже были заготовлены знаки св. Анны 1, 2 и 3 класса, св. Владимира и св. Георгия такого образца, какой утвержден 20 Января 1816 года и розданы в Париже чиновникам разных держав. Капитул о пожалованиях не был извещен, по той причине, что тогда знаки сии, особенно же последних двух орденов, не утверждены были Высочайшим указом. При сем сообщаю, что новых знаков, в Париже сделанных: святого Георгия 4-го кл. - 11, святой Анны 2-го кл. – 3, святой Анны 3-го кл. – 7, оставлены в собственной моей канцелярии на случай раздачи. Посылаем список чиновников разных держав, с показанием кому и какие знаки были розданы и оставшиеся знаки".

"К герцогу Веллингтону отправили для вручения английским подданным из новых знаков: 11 орденов святого Георгия 4-го класса; 16 орденов святого Владимира 4-го класса, 20 орденов святой Анны 2-го класса".
Российский государственный исторический архив. Ф. 496. Оп. 1. Д. 26. Л. 58, 59.
[Цитируется по Т.Н. Ильина. О размере креста и цвете медальона ордена Святого Георгия.
Труды Государственного Эрмитажа. Т. СIV. Геральдика: исследования и практика.
Материалы научной конференции 20-22 февраля 2020 года. СПб: Изд-во Гос. Эрмитажа, 2021.]​

20 British officers that was decorated by His Majesty the Emperor of Russia on October 8, 1815 with the 2nd class orders of Saint Anna.

Saint Anna order for the Battle of Waterloo.jpg

2nd class cross of Saint Anna order awarded on October 8, 1815 to Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac B. Clarke, C.B., 2nd Royal North British Dragoons (Scots Greys), who during the battle of Waterloo was wounded, had four horses shot under him and succeeded to the command of the regiment after Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton was killed.​

Gold, enamel.
Size 34 mm.


Орден Святой Анны 2-й степени Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac B. Clarke,.jpg
Орден Святой  Анны 2-й степени Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac B. Clarke,.jpg

Isaac Blake Clarke was appointed an Ensign in the 2nd Dragoons in 1795; Lieutenant in 1796; Captain 7 September 1797; Major 16 June 1807; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel 4 June 1813. Whilst a Captain, Clarke served on the Staff of the Southern District, and did the duty of Assistant-Adjutant-General. He served in Flanders and was present at the battle of Waterloo, in which battle he had four horses killed under him and was himself wounded. Upon Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton being killed in action, Major Clarke took command of the regiment and brought it out of action. He was appointed a Companion of the Bath on 22 June 1815, and promoted Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment on 20 July 1815. Colonel Clarke died at St Peter’s, Isle of Thanet, on 7 January 1850, aged 76.​
2nd class cross of the same iconography and same size as the previous cross. It was awarded in 1815 to Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Gomm for the Battle of Waterloo /see also his miniature medal bar with Saint Anna order https://asiamedals.info/threads/eur...an-orders-and-medals.23515/page-4#post-365374 /.

Gold, enamel.
Size 39 x 34.6 mm.

Орден Святой  Анны 3-й степени Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Gomm.jpg

Sir William's extensive group of Orders, Medals and Insignia, including his Army Gold Cross (1808-14, for five battles), Military General Service and Waterloo Medals, and Field Marshal's Baton, was sold at Sotheby's on 5 March 1980. The present cross was also included in the lot, together with another slightly larger 2nd class St. Anne cross.

Field Marshal Sir William Maynard Gomm, GCB (10 November 1784 – 15 March 1875) was a British Army officer. After taking part in the Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland, he served in most of the battles of the Napoleonic Wars. During the Hundred Days he took part in both the Battle of Quatre Bras and the Battle of Waterloo. He went on to be Commander of the troops in Jamaica and in that role established new barracks at Newcastle, Jamaica, high in the mountains. After that he became Governor of Mauritius and, finally, Commander-in-Chief, India, in which role he introduced promotion examinations for officers.
Promoted to full general on 20 June 1854, he retired from active service in 1856 and, after advancement to Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath on 21 June 1859 and after further promotion to field marshal on 1 January 1868, he became Constable of the Tower in October 1872. He also served as honorary colonel of the 13th Regiment of Foot. He died at Brighton in Sussex on 15 March 1875 and was buried at Christ's Church in Rotherhithe.

Sir William with his 2nd class Saint Anna order.

Field Marshal Sir William Maynard Gomm.jpg

Field Marshal Sir William Maynard  Gomm.jpg
Another 2nd class cross identical in every aspect to the previous crosses.

Gold, enamel.
Size 39 x 34.5 mm.
Weight 9.35 g


3rd class Saint Anna  order cross made in Paris in 1816.jpg
3rd class Saint Anna order cross made in Paris in 1816.jpg
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    2nd class order of saint anna awards for the battle of waterloo der orden der heiligen anna orden der heiligen anna 2 klasse orden der heiligen anna schlacht bei waterloo order of saint anna made in paris in 1816 order of st.anna awarded for battle of waterloo награды императорской россии орден святой анны 2-й степени орден святой анны за ватерлоо орден святой анны сделанный в париже в 1816 орден святой анны эпохи наполеоновских войн ордена императорской россии русские награды за битву ватерлоо русский императорский орден за ватерлоо
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