1937 Toshima Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Meritorious Service Badge/1937年池袋第二分團豊島區防護團有功章

See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/toshima-ward-takada-no-5-branch-of-air-raid-defense-corps-merit-badge.24945/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/193...sugamo-no-1-branch-participation-badge.25044/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/193...sugamo-no-4-branch-participation-badge.25178/.

1937 Toshima Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Meritorious Service Badge.jpg


Tokyo city emblem with an army star

防護 - to Protect; to Defense


昭和十二年十月一日 - October 1, 1937

防空法施行記念章 - Air Defense Law Enforcement Commemorative Badge

池袋第二分團 - Ikebukuro No.2 Air Defense Corps Branch

豊島區防護團 - Toshima Ward Air Raid Defense Corps

Original case.

豊島區防護團 - Toshima Ward Air Raid Defense Corps

有功章 - Meritorious Service Badge

1937 Toshima  Ward Air Raid Defense Corps Meritorious Service Badge.jpg

1937 Toshima Ward Air Raid  Defense Corps Meritorious Service Badge.jpg

Badges were manufactured by Takayama Medals https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-labels-and-marks-of-takayama-medals-workshop.21901/

Takayama Medals Workshop 高山徽章商會.jpg
  • Tags
    1937 toshima ward air raid defense corps badge 1937年池袋第二分團豊島區防護團有功章 badge made by takayama medals japanese air defense badge japanese air defense corps badge takayama medals workshop 高山徽章商會
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