1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exposition Badges and Watch Fobs/1922年平和記念東京博覧会記念章

Table medals https://asiamedals.info/threads/1922-tokyo-peace-commemorative-exposition-medals-1922.28951/
Commemorative cup holder https://asiamedals.info/threads/192...ve-exposition-commemorative-cup-holder.28953/
Commemorative metal plate https://asiamedals.info/threads/192...e-exposition-commemorative-metal-plate.28962/

Exhibition Sponsorship Association Member's Badge.

Rosette diameter 3.12 mm.

1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative  Exhibition Badge.jpg


Dove - emblem of the 1922 Exhibition

1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exhibition Badge.jpg


大正十一年三月七日 - March 7, 1922

平和紀念東京博覽會協賛會 - Peace Commemorative Tokyo Exposition Sponsorship Association

1922 Tokyo  Peace Commemorative Exhibition Badge.jpg

Original case.

會員章 - Association Member's Badge

Badges were made by Ando workshop in Tokyo.

1922 Tokyo Peace  Commemorative Exhibition Badge.jpg
Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exposition was held in Ueno Park in 1922 from March 10 to July 31, 1922, and attracted an unprecedented 11 million visitors. Exposition was organized by Tokyo Prefecture to commemorate the end of World War I and to promote the development of Japanese industry.

The exhibition facilities were designed by Tokyo Prefectural Engineer Tsuyoshi Ogura and others, with Ito Chuta and Sano Toshiki acting as advisors. Emerging architects Horiguchi Sutemi, Takizawa Mayumi, and Kurata Chikatada were also employed, and Horiguchi's expressionist, Secession-style facilities, such as the Pond Tower at the second venue and the Machine Power Pavilion.

1922 Peace Exhibition Map /Ueno Park bird's-eye view/.​

1922 Peace Exhibition Map.jpg

1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exposition set of postcards.

1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exposition set of postcards.jpg

1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exposition set of  postcards.jpg

1922  Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exposition photos.jpg

1922 Tokyo  Peace Commemorative Exposition photos.jpg

1922 Tokyo Peace  Commemorative Exposition photos.jpg

1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exposition photos.jpg

1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative  Exposition photos.jpg

1922 Tokyo Peace Commemorative Exposition  photos.jpg

1922 Tokyo Peace  Commemorative  Exposition photos.jpg
Councilor Badge.

Councilor's badge.jpg
Councilor's  badge.jpg


平和紀念東京博覽會 - Peace Commemorative Tokyo Exposition

Original case.

評議員- Trustee; Councillor (Councilor)

Executive Badge.

Executive's badge.jpg
Executive's  badge.jpg


大正十一年三月 - March, 1922

平和紀念東京博覽會 - Peace Commemorative Tokyo Exposition

Original case.

役員章 - Executive Badge

Electrician Official's Watch Fob.

Electrician Official's badge.jpg
Electrician  Official's badge.jpg


平和紀念東京博覽會 - Peace Commemorative Tokyo Exposition


記念 - Commemorative

電氣係 - Electrician Official

1922/8/13 - August 13, 1922
Commemorative Watch Fob.

Size 25 mm.

Peace Commemorative Tokyo Exposition Watch Fob.jpg

Peace  Commemorative Tokyo Exposition Watch Fob.jpg


平博覧會 - Peace Commemorative Tokyo Exposition

堅商 - Strong Business


平和紀念東京博覽會 - Peace Commemorative Tokyo Exposition

記念章 - Commemorative Badge

大正十一年 - 1922
Opening Ceremony Commemorative Watch Fob.

Peace Exposition Opening Ceremony Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg

Peace Exposition Opening  Ceremony Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


平和博覽會 - Peace Exposition


大正十一年 - 1922

開會紀念 - Opening Ceremony Commemorative

Original case.

平和博紀念章 - Peace Exposition Commemorative Badge

Peace Exposition Opening Ceremony Commemorative Watch  Fob.jpg
  • Tags
    1922 tokyo peace commemorative exhibition badge 1922 tokyo peace commemorative exhibition medal 1922 tokyo peace commemorative exposition badge 1922 tokyo peace commemorative exposition medal 1922年平和記念東京博覧会記念章 akiba medals tokyo ando cloisonné shop ando shippo workshop badge made by akiba tokyo peace commemorative exhibition watch fob tokyo peace commemorative exposition watch fob
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