The medallions of the Order of the White Eagle, seven of which have survived, were for a long time considered the first badges of the Order. Recent studies show, however, that badges of the Order, in the form of a cross, had existed earlier, and that the medallions should be treated as so-called...
early polish order of white eagle
medallion of the order of the white eagle
order of the white eagle
order orła białego
медальон ордена белогоорлапольскийорденбелогоорла
ранний орденбелогоорла
Interesting color plate /could be made after engraving of Ivan Sokolov, see /.
Орден польский Белого Орла/Polish Order of the...
order of the white eagle
order of the white eagle russian color plate
order orła białego
polish order of the white eagle
ранний орденордена белогоорла
Beautiful early set from second half of XVIII century.
Silver, gilt, diamonds, strass stones, enamel.
Height 123 mm (including suspension).
Width 87.5 mm.
order of the white eagle
order orła białego
poland order of the white eagle
polish awards and decorations
polish order of the white eagle
ранний орденбелогоорла
collection of wawel royal castle krakow
early polish order of white eagle
order of white eagle embroidered breast star
order orła białego
polish order of white eagle
polish order of white eagle breast star
polish order of white eagle sewed breast star
орденбелогоорлаорденбелогоорла шитая звезда
For obvious reasons these badges quite often confused with the early type of the order of the White Eagle from the period of Alexander I. Numerous variations of these Canonical Distinctions /Dystynktorium Kanoniczne/Dystynktorii Kanonicznych (Kanonickich)/Dystynktorii Kościelnych/ with monogram...
dystynktorii kanonicznych
dystynktorii kościelnych
dystynktorium kanoniczne
order of the white eagle
polish canon's сross with white eagle
polish episcopate order of the white eagle
pseudo order of the white eagle
знак конгрегации в форме ордена белогоорла
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польскийорденбелогоорлапольский церковный знак в форме белогоорла