order of st. stanislaus made by halley

  1. Orders of St. Stanislaus made by Halley /Octave Lasne/, Paris

    Workshop history https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.28433/ Breast stars of St. Stanislaus order made by Halley https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-st-stanislaus-breast-stars-made-by-halley-paris.23522/ For many years the actual manufacturer of this...
  2. Order of St. Stanislaus Breast Stars made by Halley, Paris

    Crosses of St. Stanislaus order made by Halley https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-stanislaus-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.25726/ Breast star that allegedly was privately commissioned by Conde di Salasco. Silver, gold, enamel. Size 73.5 mm. 145 Galerie de Valois Palais...