Very early set with badge of the order still in medallion form.
Silver, gilt enamel.
Size 84 x 55 mm.
Weight 76 g.
Breast star.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 77 mm.
Weight 70 g.
early orderof the lionandsun
marshal joseph bosquet awards
marshal pierre françois joseph bosquet
medallion of the orderof the lionandsunorderof charles iii grand cross
orderoflionandsunorderoflionandsun awarded marshal bosquet
orderoflionandsun breast star
orderof saint george of the reunion
orderof saints maurice and lazarus
orderof the lionandsun
persian awards and decorations
persian orderof the lionandsun
Rare German reseller of a Dutch-made orders of the Lion and Sun. What's unclear at this point, though, is whether Zimmermann workshop manufactured any Persian orders by itself.
1st variation of iconography.
3rd class order.
Silver, enamel.
c.f. zimmermann pforzheim
german-made orderof the lionandsunorder made by c.f. zimmermann pforzheim
orderoflionandsunorderoflionandsun made by zimmermann pforzheim
persian awards and decorations
persian orderoflionandsun
persian orderoflionandsun zimmermann
Franz Johannes Günther was born in 1861, and served as General Director of the Anatolian Railway Company, the company funded by Deutsche bank and tasked with the construction of the Berlin to Baghdad Railway which, when ultimately linked to the port of Basra, would have enabled Germany to...
Silver, gold, enamel.
Size 90.3×89.8 mm.
Weight 68.87 g.
Marked with St. Petersburg assay office mark "anchors", silver hallmark "84" and maker's mark KS for Karl Shubert / Мастерская Карла Рейнгольда Шуберта/Workshop of Karl Reyngold Shubert/
imperial russian order marked ks
karl shubert workshop
orderoflionandsunorderoflionandsun breast star
orderoflionandsun made by russian workshop
orders of the lionandsun made by karl shubert
persian order marked ks
карл шуберт
мастерская карла рейнгольда шуберта
орден льва и солнца клеймо ks
орден льва и солнца мастерской карла шуберта
نشان سلطنتی شیر و خورشید
It's hard to believe that such model was actually manufactured.
Silver, gilding, enamel.
Badge size 75 mm, weight 51 g.
Breast star size size 99 mm, weight 95 g.
Case dimensions 28.5 x 15.5 x 5.4cm. Inside the case “Arthus Bertrand & Cie, 46 rue de Renne à Paris”.
Both medallions have distinct...
arthus bertrand paris
french-made orderoflionandsunorder made by arthus bertrand paris
orderoflionandsunorderoflionandsun breast star
orderof the lionandsun made by arthus bertrand
orderof the lionandsun with blue rays
persian orderoflionandsun
sonnen- und löwenorden
french-made orderoflionandsunorderoflionandsunorderoflionandsun made by ouizille lemoine
ouizille lemoine paris
persian awards and decorations
persian medal
persian order
persian orderoflionandsun
5th class badge made in St.Petersburg somewhere around 1880s.
Silver, gilt, enamel.
Size 46 mm.
Marked with St.Petersburg silver hallmark "84" and "I.O/И.О" for Ivan Osipov /Иван Васильевич Осипов - Ivan Vasilievich Osipov/.
orderoflionandsunorderoflionandsun made by osipov workshop
orderoflionandsun marked i.o
orderoflionandsun marked и.o
persian orderoflionandsun
russian-made orderoflionandsun
russian-made persian order
клеймо и.о
мастерская ивана осипова
орден льва и солнца мастерской осипова
орден мастерской ивана осипова
орден с клеймом и.о
mark pl
orderoflionandsunorderoflionandsun marked pl
persian awards and decorations
persian orderoflionandsun
russian "pl" workshop
russian made orderoflionandsun
именник pl
Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop
Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...
frantz fredrik hentzius
mark f·h
orderoflionandsunorderoflionandsun marked f·h
orderoflionandsun marked f•h
persian awards and decorations
persian orderoflionandsun
russian-made orderoflionandsun
russian-made persian order
workshop f·h
workshop of frederick adolf golshtenius
клеймо f·h
награды персии
орден льва и солнца
орден льва и солнца клеймо f·h
орден льва и солнца русского производства
орден льва и солнца русской работы
персидский орден
фредерик адольф гольштениус
фредерик адольф хольстениус