ордена императорской россии

  1. 4th class Orders of St.Vladimir with swords made by Kammerer & Keibel workshop /KK/

    4th class "Kapitul" cross with privately-comissioned swords. Gold, enamel. Size 35 mm. Marked with unreadable St. Petersburg assay office year mark, "double-headed eagle" and "KK" for Kammerer & Keibel. Ex George Odarchenko collection.
  2. 4th class Orders of St. Vladimir with swords made by Albert Keibel

    4th class cross with swords from 1882-1898 time period. Gold, enamel. Size 39.2 х 34.6 mm. Weight 7.01 g. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56+anchors", "double-headed eagle" and "AK" for Albert Keibel. Later cross ring was also marked with a French import gold hallmark...
  3. 3rd class Saint Vladimir order (and other awards) of Karl-Theodor Melgren

    Beautifully preserved 3rd class cross made by Dmitry Osipov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/privately-comissioned-orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-dmitriy-osipov-workshop-do.26447/ Gold, enamel. Size 48 mm. Marked with deformed double-stamped maker's mark "ДО" for Dmitri Osipov...
  4. "Kapitul" Breast Stars of Imperial Russian Orders converted to Screw Fastening

    Sometimes owners of Russian orders sent their breast stars with pin fastening to be remade for a more convenient and reliable screw fastening. "Kapitul" /i.e. officially issued/ breast star of St. Stanislaus order made by Keibel workshop around 1860s. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 85 mm. Marked...
  5. 4th class Orders of St. Vladimir with a non-Kapitul swords made by Albert Keibel

    4th class cross from 1882-1898 time period with a non-Kapitul swords. Gold, enamel. Size 34 mm. Weight 9.4 g. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56+anchors", "double-headed eagle" and barely readable maker's mark "AK". Same cross under a different light.
  6. Privately-comissioned Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky with Swords

    Interesting set. Cross looks like a privately-comissioned cross made by the Kammerer & Keibel workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-alexander-nevsky-made-by-kammerer-keibel-kk.23595/. Gold, enamel. Size 49 mm. Unmarked.
  7. 1st/2nd class Orders of St.Vladimir with Swords made by Eduard

    Gold, enamel. Size 54 x 48.7 mm. Weight 23 g. Marked on the ring with a St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56" from 1908+ time period and French import mark "ET" on the ring; swords marked with round marks of St. Petersburg assay office...
  8. 1st class Order of Saint Anna with Diamonds for Non-Christians made by Karl Blank workshop /CB/

    Orders of Saint Anna with Diamonds made by Karl Blank workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-anna-with-diamonds-made-by-karl-blank-workshop-cb.28580/ Silver, gold, diamonds, enamel. Size 55 x 49.5 mm. Weight 31.2 g. Cross and ribbon loop marked with a maker's mark "CB" for...
  9. 2nd class Saint Anna order (and other awards) awarded in 1828 to Dr. Wilhelm Friedrich Abendroth

    Dr. Wilhelm Friedrich Abendroth was born on August 1, 1802, in Pirna (near Dresden). In 1827 he became the personal physician of the family of Russian General Leon Narischkin in Odessa, Russia. He then served as a military doctor during the Siege of Varna in the summer of 1828 during the...
  10. Imperial Russian Medal Bars of the Veterans of the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878)

    4th class Saint Vladimir order with swords and bow https://asiamedals.info/threads/privately-comissioned-orders-of-saint-vladimir-with-swords-made-by-an-unidentified-russian-workshops.27307/#post-366167; Medal in memory of Russo-Turkish War 1877–78 in bronze and Cross for Crossing of the Danube...
  11. Silver "Kapitul" Breast Stars of the Saint Catherine Order

    Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 85 mm. Marked with St. Petersburg assay office hallmark "anchors", "84" and "Keibel". Collection of Moscow Kremlin Museums.
  12. Orders of Saint Catherine from the collection of Moscow Kremlin Museums

    Grand /1st class/ cross of an unusual geometry. Gold, silver, diamonds, enamel. On display.
  13. St.Alexander Nevsky Order with Diamonds for Non-Christians made by Dmitry Osipov workshop /ДО/

    Very rare set issued from Imperial Cabinet /Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty was an institution that was in charge of the personal property of the Russian Imperial family and dealt with some other issues in 1704–1917/. Between 1881 and 1917 nine diamond sets were awarded to Japanese subjects...
  14. Orders of Saint Catherine made by Immanuel Pannasch /IP/ workshop

    Cross from 1828. Silver, gold, enamel, diamonds. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay office year mark "1828" and unreadable maker's mark (hence attribution is presumed).
  15. Orders of White Eagle made by Samuel Arndt /S•A/ workshop

    Orders of Saint Anna made by Samuel Arndt workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-anna-made-by-samuel-arndt-soa-workshop.28321/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Samuel Arndt workshop...
  16. Order of Saint Stanislaus breast star "with Diamonds"

    Eccentric breast star "with diamonds". Most likely this is a modern "project" that was "build" by an enterprising fellow around original Russian-made central medallion. However, the possibility that this is a privately-comissioned piece made by unknown European workshop for an unknown cavalier...
  17. Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Kretly, Paris

    https://asiamedals.info/threads/french-postcards-with-russian-imperial-orders-made-by-kretly-paris.28541/ Diamond-cut breast star of Saint Vladimir order with swords.
  18. French Postcards with Russian Imperial Orders made by Kretly, Paris

    Interesting artifacts from early years of the XX century. Order of St. Stanislaus breast star. Thanks to this thread we know who manufactured such breast stars https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-stanislaus-made-by-kretly-paris.25862/
  19. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by workshop of Frederic Bjork /FB/

    Breast star of the Order of St. George made by Frederic Bjork https://asiamedals.info/threads/breast-star-of-the-order-of-st-george-made-by-workshop-of-frederic-bjork-fb.28148/ Orders of Saint Vladimir made by Frederic Bjork...
  20. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by St. Petersburg workshop /А·Н/

    Reduced breast star. Silver, gilt, enamel. Size 68.1 mm. Weight 34.66 g. Marked with a St. Petersburg assay office silver hallmark "anchors + 88" and maker's mark "А·Н". Marks.