орден святой анны голштинского типа

  1. Fake early orders of St.Anna of "Holstein" ("Pavel") type

    Exemplary exercise in futility. Gold, silver, glass, enamel. Size 44 mm. Weight 27 g.
  2. Orders of Saint Anna of "Holstein" type made by Afanasy Panov /A•P/

    Goldsmith Afanasy Panov /золотых дел мастер Афанасий Панов/ between 1802-1820 made 2897 "Holstein type" crosses of St. Anne order (type 1797) of 1st and 2nd class. See also Saint George orders made by Afanasy Panov...
  3. Order of Saint Anna awarded in 1807 to Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord

    See also index thread devoted to Talleyrand awards https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-andrew-the-first-called-awarded-in-1807-to-charles-maurice-de-talleyrand-perigord.25787/ Awarded together with Order of Saint Andrew and Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky on June 27 (July 9), 1807...
  4. 1st class St. Anna order awarded in 1829 to Major General Alexander Yakovlevich Fabre /Jacques-Alexandre Fabre/

    One of the very last awarded crosses of an early type. Gold, diamonds, color glass, enamel. Size 58,5 mm. Weight 39 g. Document from December 6, 1828.